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Chagigah 5: The Gates of Tears

“Even though the gates of prayer are closed, the gates of tears are never closed”. With…

Chagigah 3: There Is Always Something New

Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of the Yamim Tovim, especially in Temple times, was the coming…

Ki Tavo: A Covenant of Love

With less than two weeks until Rosh Hashanah, the theme of teshuva begins to take centre…

What We Talk About When We Talk About War

In this, what was the summer of our discontent, it is worth looking at the words that were commonly…

Some Opening Thoughts on Masechet Chagigah

The mitzvah of aliyah laregel--going up to Jerusalem on Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot--was a…

Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Moed Katan

The commitment to learn Daf Yomi is a remarkable one. It is the only study project I know that…

Moed Katan 28: Beyond Our Control

It is to be expected that, in a chapter dealing with the laws of mourning, a discussion of the…

Moed Katan 27: Leading By Example

No idea is stressed more in the Torah than that of being kind to strangers, “because we were…

Re'eh: Behind the Scenes

Showing extra sensitivity to the needs of the poor, the widow, orphan, servant, and stranger is a…

Ki Teitzei: Hit 'Em Less

What is the role of a Rabbi? When this question was asked to Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein, author…

Moed Katan 21: A Living Torah

As previously discussed, both

Ki Teitzei: Leave G-d Out of It

For the religion that first brought the message of ethical monotheism to the world, Judaism sure…

Shoftim: To Tell the Truth

"Tzedek tzedek tirdof, justice, justice you shall pursue in order that you may live and…

An Outsider: Moed Katan 17

One of the greatest and the most tragic figure of Talmudic literature is Rav Eliezer ben Hurcanus,…

Moed Katan 17: How to Sin

The primary way we can tell which commandments are more important than others is by the punishment…

Moed Katan 9: To Fast or Not To Fast

The Gemara (Megillah 5b) relates that Rebbe wanted to abolish Tisha B'Av. Interestingly, no…

Moed Katan 8: Mazel Tov--Soon

As we discussed in our last post, mourning and Yom Tov[1] are polar opposites, and mourning…

Moed Katan 8: Mixed Emotions

Halacha reflects not only legal truths, but moral, psychological, and philosophical (and other)…