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Yevamot 52: Preparing for Marriage

Masechet Kiddushin opens by delineating the three methods by which one is mekadesh, betroths,…

Yevamot 49: An Exceptional People

"Shimon ben Azzai said: I found a scroll of genealogy, and it was written, 'So-and-so…

Yevamot 47: Judaism 101

"A convert who comes to convert bizman hazeh, nowadays...we inform him of the importance…

Toldot: Pray for Others

“Rabbi Yitzchak said: ‘Yitzchak our forefather was barren, as it is written ‘and…

Yevamot 44: The Practice of Law

  Halacha, Jewish law, has a multiplicity of voices, each reflecting the word of the living…

Yevamot 40: The Economics of Chalitzah

"Ishto k'gufo, ba'al k'ishto", one's wife is like one's own self; a…

Yevamot 39: What Comes First?

"And if the man does not want to take his brother's wife, then his brother's wife…

It Costs Too Much to Convert

There has been much written – including a cover story in this newspaper (Canadian Jewish News…

Chayei Sarah: Coming Together

"And Abraham took another wife and her name was Keturah" (Breisheet 25:1). The Torah…

Yevamot 35: Whose Baby Is It?

Even those far removed from Jewish learning know that it is the mother who determines the Jewish…

No Time to Waste: Yevamot 29

"Whoever starts in a mitzvah, we tell him to finish"; "a mitzvah that comes to your…

Yevamot 25: Conflict of Interest

Innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental norm of Western jurisprudence. This concept goes back…

Yevamot 25: Pleading the Fifth

By dint of the fifth amendment to the Constitution, US citizens are protected from being…

Yevamot 24: A Great P'shat

All great pieces of literature can be understood on multiple levels, over multiple time periods,…

Parshat Lech Lecha: This Is for You

The Divine choosing of Avraham marks the beginning of Jewish peoplehood. Tellingly, this…

Yevamot 22: Brotherly Love

Life is not always fair. So much that befalls us--both positive and negative--is beyond our control…

Yevamot 21: The Limits of Teshuva

On Yom Kippur afternoon, the Torah reading focuses on the Jewish sexual ethic. The Torah has a…

Yevamot 17: Living Together

It is the Jewish woman who is privileged with bestowing Jewishness to her offspring. Yet while the…