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Noach: It's the Small Stuff

Much of Parshat Breisheet details the moral failings of many of the individuals whom we meet: Adam…

Yevamot 17: Are You Jewish?

The assimilation and subsequent loss of Jews has been a problem since the beginning of Jewish…

Yevamot 13: Learning to Differ

Our rabbis greatly extolled the virtues of arguments for the sake of heaven. In these disputes, the…

Hoshana Rabbah: Water Falls

"On the Yom Tov of the last day, we read 'Kol Habechor, every first born'" (Devarim 15:19, Megillah…

Yevamot 4: Conflicting Mitzvot

Life is full of conflicts, contradictions, and challenges ,and it is our task to mediate them as…

Sukkot: The Twin Pillars

Pesach and Sukkot are the twin pillars of the Jewish year. They are exactly six months apart, each…

Yevamot 2: Yours to Discover

Masechet Yevamot opens by listing the fifteen women who "exempt their co-wives and the co-…

Some Opening Thoughts on Masechet Yevamot

Masechet Yevamot gets a bad rap. Many consider it amongst the most difficult masechtot to…

Some Concluding Thoughts on Seder Moed

The Jewish people had sinned, and their future stood in the balance. G-d'…

Yom Kippur: A Most Beautiful Day

"Rav Yochanan said: Were it not written in the text, it would be impossible for us to say…

Chagigah 16: Good Intentions, Bad Results

"The gates of repentance are always open". Yom Kippur is predicated on the possibility…

Chagigah 14: Acher, Please Return

One of the hallmarks of the Western world is its inclusiveness. Great attempts are made to make…

Rosh Hashanah: Do I Need to Pray?

"On Rosh Hashanah, we read 'on the seventh month on the first day', and the…

Chagigah 10: Where Is the Text?

A question I have often been asked by non-observant Jews runs as follows: Since cars were not yet…

Chagigah 9: FOMO--Don't Miss Out

With the beginning of selichot season (at least for Ashkenazim), we turn our thoughts to…

Vayelech: Looking Ahead

Imagine being told on your deathbed that your life’s work may be for naught. Moshe Rabbeinu…

Heaven or Earth : Chagigah 6

Heaven or Earth: Chagigah 6

Making G-d Cry: Chagigah 5

Making G-d Cry: Chagigah 5