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Shushan Purim: One People, Two Holidays

“Kol Yisrael Areivim zeh lazeh”, all Jews are guarantors for one another. While we may…

Ketubot 20: Keeping Memories Alive

Our memories are notoriously fickle and even untrustworthy. Yet we have little choice but to rely…

Mishpatim: Say What You Mean

Modern man loves his freedom. No one is going to tell him how to act. This is why giving criticism…

Ketubot 19: Dying for Lying

It is well known that a Jew must give up his or her life only if asked, or ordered, to violate one…

Ketubot 11: It's Great to Be a Jew

A legal system is much more than a collection of laws. It signifies the values a society holds dear…

Ketubot 10: Money, Money, Money

Money is a great motivator, impacting so many of the decisions we make. The crucial role money…

Ketubot 5: Moving Yom Kippur

In our last post we discussed that a betulah should marry on a Wedne

Ketubot 2: We Would Like to Invite You...

Planning a wedding is no easy task. One must pick a date, hall, caterer, band, florist, and on and…

Some Opening Thoughts on Masechet Ketubot

The Ketuba is one of the best known, but least understood, documents in Judaism. Read at every…

Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Yevamot

"Rabbi Elazar said, in the name of Rabbi Chaninah: Torah scholars increase peace in the world…

Yevamot 116: One Witness Is Enough

We have previously referred to the special leniency that allows a woman to remarry on the testimony…

Yevamot 115: To Believe or Not to Believe

Back in the tenth chapter of Yevamot, we discussed the case of a woman who remarried on the basis…

Yevamot 114: Put Out the Fire

One of the basic tenets of our legal system is that those who are not of a sound…

Yevamot 109: Torah Study

"Talmud Torah kneged kulam" (Mishnah Peah 1:1). This teaching is generally…

Yevamot 105: Don't Get It in Writing

One would not think that a discussion about the intricacies of the laws of …

Yevamot 101: If the Shoe Fits

For those who do not live in Toronto--and perhaps for many who do--you may not be familiar with the…

Vaera: Searching for G-d?

"G-d spoke to Moshe, and said to him, 'I am the Lord. I revealed myself to Abraham, to…

Yevamot 99: A Healthy Diet

In our last post, we discussed why Rav Yochanan was so angry when