Parsha Thoughts | Torah In Motion

Articles Parsha Thoughts

Shemot: Baa Baa Black Sheep

“And Moshe was tending to the sheep of his father-in-law, Yitro, the priest of Midian... and an angel of G-d appeared to Moshe” (Shemot 3…

Celebrating the New Year

Jews celebrate the New Year on the first of Tishrei with a solemn seriousness indicating the precarious nature of life. In contrast, the non-Jewish…

Vayechi: A Quiet Life Abroad

The story of Yosef begins, “and Jacob dwelled (vayeshev) in the land of his fathers, in the land of Canaan”. As the story of Joseph reaches its…

Vayeshev: And Yehuda Went Down

"And Yehuda saw her [his daughter-in-law Tamar], and he thought she was a harlot, because her face was covered" (38:15). Presumably, covering one's…

Vayishlach: Jacob, the Lonely Man of Faith

Avraham Avinu is known as "ha'Ivri" as the world was on one side, and he was alone on the other. It is not easy challenging the ideas of society…

Vayetze: Searching for G-d

Yaakov is fleeing his home, afraid that his brother will try to kill him. Night is coming, and presumably he has been running all day. He is tired…

Toldot: Blind Love

How sad when parents do not understand their children, and are unaware of what they’re up to. Either through purposeful ignorance or just plain being…

Vayera: No Secrets

“And G-d said: Am I going to hide from Abraham that which I will do?” The city of Sedom was a thriving metropolis and the home of Lot, Abraham’s…

Breisheet: The Descent of Man

The creation narrative has the world in beautiful harmony. Heaven and earth, sky and water, sun and moon, man and woman and in the view of our sages…

Simchat Torah: Two Days or One?

This week’s d'var Torah is sponsored in honour of the 80th birthday of Bashi (Esther) Burack by her children and grandchildren. May she go from…

Sukkot: Leaving Home

"And you shall take for yourself on the first day a beautiful fruit of the tree, an unopened palm frond, myrtle branches, and willows and you shall…

Yom Kippur: The Month After

“For the sin we committed by wronging a neighbour, for the sin we committed by bribery, for the sin we committed in our business dealings”. On and on…

Rosh Hashanah: Time to Remember

David, Karen, and Beca Bookman wish their parents, families, friends, and the Or Chaim Minyan a Happy and Healthy Shana Tova, and a Shana Tova to…

Ki Tavo: What a Waste!

Man has an innate desire to see the fruit of his own efforts. When life's blessings are handed to one on a silver platter, those blessings are…

Ki-Teze: On the Road

Until modern times, travel was viewed as something best avoided. It was slow, uncomfortable, and often quite dangerous. As we learn in Brachot 29b-…

Shoftim: Ignoring Justice

This week's d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Estie Roz and Avner Zeifman. May they share much happiness and…

Re'eh: Man and Man

Beginning with the Aseret haDibrot, we often tend to classify mitzvoth as being either between man and G-d, or between man and man. While the…

Eikev: The Sweat of Your Brow

Raising an independent nation is no easy task. The generation that left Egypt was (understandably) not up to the task. Whether or not their children…