Parsha Thoughts | Torah In Motion

Articles Parsha Thoughts

VaEtchanan: Easy Money

One of the fundamental beliefs of Judaism is that of reward and punishment. Keep the mitzvoth and get rewarded. Violate the laws of the Torah and be…

Tisha B'Av: Courage of Convictions

“Do not be afraid of [any] man”. Parshat Devarim, which is always read on the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av, begins with Moshe’s exhortations regarding…

Mattot-Massei: A Sojourn in Germany

“And these are the travels of the children of Israel”. We know little of many of the places the Jewish people encamped during their stay in the…

Pinchas: Standing Up For What's Right

The d'var Torah this week is dedicated in honour of the participants on the inspiring Journey Through Jewish History - Italy 2012. “And it was after…

Chukat: Second Chances

The law of the red heifer serves as the break between two separate but similar narratives: those relating to the generation that left Egypt, and…

Beha'alotcha: Moshe's Helpers

Like many a great leader, Moshe—the greatest of all leaders—had difficulty delegating authority. Knowing you can do the job better than…

Emor: G-d's Name

Of all possible wrongdoings, only one does not allow for the possibility of teshuva, repentance. Causing a chilul Hashem, a desecration of G-d's…

Kedoshim: The Path to Holiness

Our tradition asserts that there are 613 mitzvoth in the Torah. Among these 613 are such beautiful concepts as proper treatment of the stranger and…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Turning Dreams Into Reality

“When G-d brought back those who returned to Zion, we were like dreamers” (Psalms 126). Who would have believed that after 1,900 years—and a mere…

Shemini: Close to G-d

The deaths of Nadav and Avihu have long troubled biblical commentaries. The multiple suggestions put forth demonstrate that—objectively…

Pesach Cleaning: The New Slavery

Like so many children, Pesach was my favourite holiday. Some of my fondest memories revolve around the seder. As an adult, not much has changed…

Vayakhel/Pekudei: ReCreation

The Netziv, in his introduction to Sefer Shemot, notes that there is Gaonic tradition that refers to Shemot as chumash sheni, the second chumash.…

Shushan Purim: United People, Divided Holiday

“And Haman said to King Achashverosh: There is a certain nation scattered and divided amongst the nations” (3:8). Haman was well aware of the…

Zachor: History Revisited

“Remember what Amalek did to not forget.” Such memory is more than a biblical command, it is a historical reality. While the Torah may have…

Terumah: Golden Surroundings

One of the fiercest debates amongst medieval biblical commentaries was the extent to which parts of the Torah might be allegorical. The Ramban (…

Mishpatim: More Than Slavery

While there are various themes that run throughout Sefer Shemot, that of slavery is perhaps the central one. This notion is presented, with differing…

Bo: Moonlight

In his opening comment on the Bible, Rashi links the Creation story to that of the Exodus. Working on the assumption that the Torah is primarily a…

Mikketz: Counting on Charisma

This week's d’var Torah is dedicated in honour of Ira and Rona Kellman, for organizing a family reunion of 305 members of the greater Kelman family…