Money Matters | Torah In Motion

Articles Money Matters

Nortel Justice System

The mention of Nortel Networks makes many a Canadian cringe. Once the darling of the tech world and the most heavily weighted stock in the Toronto…

Sixty Years and Spending

Tragically, natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is relatively familiar: pictures of destruction and death, with pale-…

The End of the Euro

Portugal, Greece, Italy. Who might be next? As Europe and the world fret over the possible collapse of the euro, finance ministers, economists and…


One must be ‘thankful’ when the news coming out of Israel is the high price of cottage cheese.  As is so often the case it is a relatively minor…

Lessons from Steve Jobs

The saintly sage Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan (the Chafetz Chaim, 1838-1933) once commented that every technological innovation carries within it a moral…

The Value of Uncertainty

The stock market hates uncertainty. This helps explain the wild gyrations of the markets, unable to “decide” whether we are headed for a double-dip…

Income Disparity

One must be “thankful” when the news coming out of Israel is the high price of cottage cheese.  As is so often the case, it is a relatively…

Debt Crisis

As we have often noted economic decisions reflect moral choices. As the world economy slowly recovers from near catastrophe another potential…

Moral Bailouts

The sight of the CEO's of GM, Ford and Chrysler asking the Untied States Congress for 25 Billion dollars in aid as they flew to Washington on their…

A Tribute to a Mentor

Regardless of their personal piety (or lack thereof), Jewish law affirms that an almost superhuman level of respect be shown to our parents. What is…

Agriprocessors and the Ethics of Kashrut

The kashrut industry is about more than just food. In an industry where sales reach in the billions of dollars many of the largest food companies…

A Tuition Plan

In its current form, the day school system is unsustainable. With tuition increases consistently at between two and three times the rate of inflation…

The Morality of Price Disparity

In watching the leadership debate I was struck and almost regardless of the question or issue being discussed Prime Minister Harper would talk about…

Election Issues

Technological advances are rapidly changing the nature of almost all that we do. Many of the careers our children will pursue have yet to be invented…

Prison Insights

In an almost unbelievable application of the verse, “Love your neighbour as yourself”, our Sages teach that one must give a convicted killer a “…

A Perfect Game

It is rare indeed to look to professional athletes for moral guidance. We learned long ago that the extraordinary talents they possess are manifest…

An 'A' for Effort

One of the key aspects of the world of business is the crucial importance of the bottom line. And that is the way it should be. The primary—and some…

Good Luck, Mr. Mayor

In electing Rob Ford as mayor, voters in the city of Toronto have voted for change. Our mayor-elect has been most forthright in his plan of action,…