Once again we are in the midst of election fever. The upcoming (recently past when this is read) US election is one with two distinct visions for America and one in which Israel has become a major issue. Soon thereafter Israelis will head to the polls and with the recent retirement of the Premier of Ontario provincial elections may
soon follow.
As I watched some of the US debates I must say my favorite part was the “truth checker” on one of the networks where the statements made were checked against the actual truth. And to the surprise of no one, not every claim made by those wanting to be president of the United States was actually true. While I do believe that most politicians do enter politics to serve the public, something about the culture of politics makes it increasingly difficult to be a successful politician while at the same time dedicated to the principal that “the signature of G-d is truth”.
To some extent (though to one much less that is the current norm) we can excuse politicians for the liberal definition of the truth in speaking, what is inexcusable is acting in against the public good for political gain. Such appears to be the case in Ontario where the Premier prorogued parliament and thus avoided any further investigation into the cancellation of gas plants just before the last election. Such cancelation helped secure a number of liberal seats but ended up costing hundreds of millions and possibility billions of taxpayer dollars. Of course there may be another explanation – the one above is touted by the opposition parties who themselves may stretch the truth but by refusing to deal with the issue it does give such claims much credence. Such politically motivated decisions are sadly par for the course.
It is for this reason that the recent death of James Coyne garnered so much news coverage. Coyne appointed head of the Bank of Canada in 1955 was forced to resign in 1961 after refusing to rubber stamp the monetary polices of then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. His principled stance helped ensure the independence of the Bank. It is sad that often it is those who do not need to be elected by the public who are those who can display the most integrity. While I cant recall the exact source there was a recent piece noting how when Mark Carney current governor of the Bank of Canada makes a promise worked markets rely on it something they may not do when a similar statement is made by an elected official.
Our political leaders should first and foremost be moral leaders. And in this instance morality is not to be equated with one’s religious believes but rather with one’s personal character. And (perhaps sadly) the correlation between the two is often quite negligible. Whether one is pro life or pro choice, favor same sex marriage or not seems to me less important than whether those running for public office are people to whom truth, integrity, fairness and the ability to put the common good ahead of their own personal interest are paramount. Let us literally hope that the best person wins.