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Sukkot: Leaving Home

"And you shall take for yourself on the first day a beautiful fruit of the tree, an unopened palm…

Brachot 55: Turning Dreams into Reality

The Talmud spends quite a number of pages discussing dreams. Taking their cue from the Bible itself…

Brachot 50: Gratitude

“From the blessings of man, we see if he is a scholar or not”. How, and more…

Tax Evasion

No one likes to pay taxes. Yet taxes are the lifeblood of our society, paying for our security,…

Yom Kippur: The Month After

“For the sin we committed by wronging a neighbour, for the sin we committed by bribery, for the sin…

Brachot 47b: We Are All Am Ha'aratzim

The term am ha'aretz has come to mean an ignorant Jew, and is generally used in a pejorative…

Brachot 43b: A Shameful Smell

A common feature of Talmudic editing is to group together a series of statements made by the same…

Brachot 43: Love of Zion

We human beings are naturally biased. Products of our environment, we are influenced by our…

Rosh Hashanah: Time to Remember

David, Karen, and Beca Bookman wish their parents, families, friends, and the Or Chaim Minyan a…

Brachot 40: Getting It Wrong!

A striking feature of Talmud study is how it seamlessly moves from subject to subject; and how,…

Brachot 39: Eat First, Ask Later

Jewish law prescribes not only that we make a blessing on food, but that we do so in the correct…

Brachot 38b: Practice, Practice, Practice!

As the Talmud is, at its core, an oral tradition—with the words before us a summary of…

Brachot 35: No, Thank You!

The opening Mishnah of the sixth chapter of Brachot discusses the various blessings one makes on…

Brachot 34a: Respect for the Congregation

In Talmudic times, the norm was that the chazzan literally prayed on behalf of the congregation.…

Ki Tavo: What a Waste!

Man has an innate desire to see the fruit of his own efforts. When life's blessings are handed…

Brachot 32a: Forcing G-d to Forgive

One of the exciting aspects of Talmud study is the range of ideas presented, and the openness to…

Brachot 31: Where to Pray

The Talmud spends a good deal of time discussing the proper frame of mind for prayer. In a rather…

Brachot 27: Too Close for Comfort?

The Gemara, in discussing the propriety of making an “early Shabbat”, records that Rav…