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Shabbat 130a: Taking the Plunge

One of the saddest statements Jews can make is, “It’s tough to be a Jew”. Why would anyone want to…

Shabbat 118a: Shabbat Meals

“Make your Shabbat like a weekday, and have no need [to take from] people” (Shabbat 118a). In…

Yitro: Day of Rest

The aseret hadibrot present two very different reasons why we are to keep Shabbat. In…

Shabbat 105b: Anger Management

One of the foundational laws of Shabbat is that only productive acts are prohibited; “all who…

Shabbat 104a: Alphabetical Order

The Latin alphabet, used in many languages of today (including English), is a phonetic system where…

Shabbat 99b: Three Rabbis, One Opinion

James Naismith is credited with inventing basketball, but a primitive version seems to have existed…

"Off the Derech": What Can We Do?

Parents and educators alike want to know how to help children who have fallen "off the derech," and…

Bo: Matzah of Slavery, Matzah of Freedom

Even those far from observance know that the reason we eat matzah is that we left Egypt in too much…

Shabbat 96b: Human Revelation

Of all the 39 Melachot, it is carrying that, by far, occupies the most pages of Talmudic discussion…

Shabbat 91b: Talmudic Toys

It seems that the toy industry in Talmudic times was quite different than the one we have today.…

Chassidic Insights into Tefillah

Rabbi Chaim Brovender will speak at Yeshivat Or Chaim this Motzai Shabbat, January 12, at 7:45 pm.…

Shabbat 89b: Yitzchak to the Rescue

Abraham is the founding father of Judaism, Yaakov is the founding father of the Jewish people, and…

Shabbat 89a: Sinai and Sin'ah

Years ago, I heard Dennis Prager note that, while the Talmud spends six double-sided folio pages…

Shemot: Baa Baa Black Sheep

“And Moshe was tending to the sheep of his father-in-law, Yitro the priest of Midian...and an…

Celebrating the New Year

Jews celebrate the New Year on the first of Tishrei with a solemn seriousness indicating the…

Vayechi: A Quiet Life Abroad

The story of Yosef begins, “and Jacob dwelled (vayeshev) in the land of his fathers, in the land of…

Shabbat 75: Sewing and Science

It is the 39 melachot that define the observance of Shabbat. Yet a listing of the melachot does not…

Asara B'Tevet: Torah in Translation

Language plays a crucial role in national identity. Those of us living in Canada know how sensitive…