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A Journey Through Jewish History In Spectacular Italy To Take Place on July 9-19, 2012

Join Torah in Motion and Dr. Marc Shapiro for a unique and intellectually inspiring trip to Italy.…

4th International Jewish Medical Ethics Conference August 16-19, 2012

The 4th International Jewish Medical Ethics Conference will take place the weekend of August 16-19…

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik Presents the Rabbi Joseph and Ruth Kelman z"l Memorial Lectures on June 23, 2012

Join us for coffee, refreshments, and a discussion with one of the most dynamic speakers in the…

New Paths for Ba'alei Teshuva: Part One

This series of blog posts seeks to discuss, if only preliminarily, the journey of ba’alei teshuvah…

The Catholic Church, Gay Rights and the Jewish Community

The mark of maturity is the ability to disagree with others respectfully; to be able to appreciate…

Beha'alotcha: Moshe's Helpers

Like many a great leader, Moshe—the greatest of all leaders—had difficulty delegating…

The Hertz Chumash United Us

During shul this past week, I was reading the notes of the Hertz Chumash, as I often do. This…

Jewish Music Week in Toronto: Carlebach Concert

Jewish Music Week in Toronto: From Bible to Broadway will be taking place from June 3 to June 10,…

Emor: G-d's Name

Of all possible wrongdoings, only one does not allow for the possibility of teshuva, repentance.…

Corporate Golddiggers

Rarely has an op-ed piece (…

Our Days Are Numbered

Mark Steyn put it quite simply in America Alone: “Experts talk about root causes. But demography is…

Kedoshim: The Path to Holiness

Our tradition asserts that there are 613 mitzvoth in the Torah. Among these 613 are such beautiful…

Yom Yerushalayim

“And to the city of Jerusalem I will return in mercy”. We waited for close to 1,900 years to regain…

Tuition and Foundations

As summer approaches, day school parents will soon be getting notifications regarding tuition fees…

The Open Society

In his groundbreaking book, The Heretical Imperative, Professor Peter Berger argued that modernity—…


Sin gets bad press these days, because it is experienced as a guest that brings a whole slew of…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Turning Dreams Into Reality

“When G-d brought back those who returned to Zion, we were like dreamers” (Psalms 126). Who would…

Shemini: Close to G-d

The deaths of Nadav and Avihu have long troubled biblical commentaries. The multiple suggestions…