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Dead Foundation Money

Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney recently called on Canadian corporations to start spending the…

Ki-Teze: On the Road

Until modern times, travel was viewed as something best avoided. It was slow, uncomfortable, and…

Shoftim: Ignoring Justice

This week's d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Estie Roz and…

Re'eh: Man and Man

This week's d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Galit Sone and Adam…

Welcome Home, Journey Through Jewish History: Central Europe travelers!

We are happy to welcome home the travelers from the Journey Through Jewish History: Central Europe…

Eikev: The Sweat of Your Brow

Raising an independent nation is no easy task. The generation that left Egypt was (understandably)…

VaEtchanan: Easy Money

One of the fundamental beliefs of Judaism is that of reward and punishment. Keep the mitzvoth and…

Daf Yomi Thoughts: Going for Gold

"Mei’emati korin et hashema b’arvit, from what time may one begin reciting the…

Going Out of Business

In the past few months three long time Jewish establishments, who combined have served the…

Dr. Bryna Levy to Speak Again!

We are delighted to report that Dr. Bryna Levy will be delivering part two of her "Leadership and…

Tisha B'Av: Courage of Convictions

“Do not be afraid of [any] man”. Parshat Devarim, which is always read on the Shabbat before Tisha…

Living a New Vision: The Genish Family’s Journey From Gush Katif to a New Life at Or Chaim Tonight!

Tonight, at Yeshivat Or Chaim, 159 Almore Ave., Toronto, Lt. Col. Zuri Genish will speak about his…

Mattot-Massei: A Sojourn in Germany

“And these are the travels of the children of Israel”. We know little of many of the places the…

Pinchas: Standing Up For What's Right

The d'var Torah this week is dedicated in honour of the participants on the inspiring Journey…

Torah in Motion's Journey Through History: Italy Trip Underway!

Our Italy trip is underway, and photos have been posted to our Facebook page.

A Jewish Education

No article I have written has received the response that my recent article, in which I demonstrated…

Chukat: Second Chances

The law of the red heifer serves as the break between two separate but similar narratives: those…

A Journey Through Jewish History: Visit Central Europe August 2-12, 2012

Join Torah in Motion and Dr. Marc Shapiro for a unique and intellectually inspiring trip to Central…