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Nasso: The Righteous Adulterer

Judaism has long insisted that we give people the benefit of the doubt: one is innocent until…

Shavuot: An Evolving Torah

“Rav Yossi said: It would have been appropriate had the Torah been given through Ezra, but…

Shabbat 69: What Time is It?

That we are living in unprecedented times hardly needs to be stated. It is hard to believe that…

Yom Yerushalayim: Natural and Supernatural

The Jewish nation waited for close to 1,900 years to regain sovereignty over G-d’s chosen…

Bechukotai: A Proper Ending

A mark of a good book is a clear and coherent structure. The opening chapters set the tone, themes…

Shabbat 63: I Did Not Know

One of the changes accompanying the creation of the State of Israel is the flourishing of the study…

Shabbat 33: Silence is Golden

When our Sages entered the vineyard in Yavne, Rabbi Yehuda, and Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Yossi,…

Emor: A Second Yom-Tov

“You shall count seven complete weeks from the day following the Shabbat from the day…

Shabbat 32: The Uneducated Jew

“Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel says: The laws of hekdesh, consecrated items; …

Shabbat 31: Farming and Faith

The Torah is full of mitzvot relating to farmers. Whether one is plowing, planting, or…

Yom Haatzmaut: Thoughts at Seventy-two

“Shimon ben Azzai said: I have received a tradition from the seventy-two elders on the…

Shabbat 31: Awe and Fear

“And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your G-d demand of you but l’yirah, to …

Pesach: Good and Comfortable

Seemingly, one of the more depressing debates in rabbinic literature is one that the houses of…

Pesach: The Simple Wise Son

Much ink has been spilled and much discussion ensued in trying to analyze the difference between…

Shabbat 25: Who is Wealthy

“Who is wealthy? One who is happy with his lot!” (Avot 4:1). This teaching of Ben Zoma…

Tzav: The Place of Sin

"This is the law of the sin offering, chatat: at the place where the elevation offering, olah…

Shabbat 17: Murder in the Beit Midrash

The Talmud quotes some 316 debates between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai.

Shabbat 17: Murder in the Beit Midrash

The Talmud quotes some 316 debates between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai.