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Shoftim: Words are Not Enough

"The hand of the witnesses should be against him first to put him to death, and the hand of…

Eiruvin 2: A Holy Home

The focus of masechet Shabbat is the definition of the parameters of the 39 prohibited melachot,…

Re'eh: Please Join Us

One of the most vexing issues we face today is how to deal with those who violate, wilfully or not…

Shabbat 151: Nothing New in Messianic Times

“For there will never cease to be needy within the land. Therefore, I command you, saying,…

Eikev: 100 Streams

"And now, Israel, what does G-d, Ma Hashem, want from you but just to fear the Lord your G-d,…

Shabbat 151: I Want a Reward

“Mitzvot were given only to purify people” (Breisheet Rabba 44). By refraining…

Tu B'Av: Breaking the Glass

One of the best-known wedding customs is the breaking of a glass during the chuppah. The common…

VaEtchanan: Beyond the Law

The most obvious connection between Tisha b’Av and parshat Vaetchanan—which…

Marriage over Mourning

A Jewish wedding consists of two distinct parts: eirusin and nisuin.

Tisha B'Av: Back to School

If someone gives you ten answers to a question, the one thing you can be assured of is that none of…

Shabbat 139: It's Good to Forget

“Rav Yehuda said in the name of Shmuel: Three thousand halachot were…

Devarim: Justice You Shall Not Pursue

The true state of health of any society can be determined by an examination of the justice…

The Nine Days: Aharon's Yahrzeit

“Aharon the priest ascended Hor Hahar and died there in the fortieth year... in the fifth…

Massei: Living in Canada

Canada is a wonderful country, and as residents of this country, we are obliged by Torah law to…

Chukat: Undressing Aaron

"Take Aaron, and Elazar his son, and bring them up to Mount Hor; and strip Aaron of his…

Korach: When Silence is Not Golden

It is most difficult to solve a problem if the protagonists will not meet with each other and hear…

Beha'alotcha: Selective Memory

It is amazing how selective our memory can be. People often yearn for the good old days: days full…

Shabbat 87: If G-d Agrees

One of the distinguishing marks of many successful companies is the encouragement they give to…