Balak Jul 19, 2019

Bilaam, the heathen prophet, recognized that the strength of the Jewish people was in their high level of modesty. “How goodly are your tents,…

Arachin Jul 18, 2019

One would not expect to find the major Talmudic discussion on the laws and moral failings of speaking lashon hara in masechet Erachin. This…

Arachin Jul 14, 2019

In our last post, we began our discussion as to why in so many disparate cases, one might have thought that kohanim are exempt from a mitzvah and…

Chukat Jul 12, 2019

Judaism is a religion that celebrates life. "Better one hour of repentance and good deeds in this world than the entire life of the world to…

Morocco Jul 12, 2019

Visiting Morocco leaves one with both a sense of hope and of despair. The sense of despair does not refer to the decline of Jewish community,…

Morocco Jul 10, 2019

The city of Marrakech was, for many years, home to the largest Jewish population in Morocco. Today it has two functioning shuls: one in the …

Morocco Jul 8, 2019

“Eizo asheer? Hasameach bechelko, Who is wealthy? One who is happy with his lot”. It is often hard for many of us raised in the…

Korach Jul 5, 2019

It is in times of crisis that effective leadership is most important—and the years spent wandering in the desert represented the first major…

Morocco Jul 4, 2019

Outside of the world of the yeshiva, it’s a safe bet to assume that most who study Talmud do so as part of the Daf Yomi cycle. This…

Morocco Jul 3, 2019

“With fidelity to its irreversible choice to construct a democratic State of Law, the Kingdom of Morocco…having as its bases the…

Arachin Jun 28, 2019

In our opening post on masechet Erachin we discussed how the use of the word hakol, everybody, comes to obligate one in a mitzvah…

Shelach Lecha Jun 28, 2019

How can two people witness the exact same events and yet offer two distinct and different reports? This question is one that jumps out as we examine…

Arachin Jun 24, 2019

Amongst the most obscure laws of the Torah are those of erachin, which form the subject matter of the last chapter of sefer Vayikra. The…

Naso Jun 14, 2019

A Jew is commanded to recite one hundred blessings each and every day (Menachot 43b). We need constant reminders to ensure that we recognize the…

Bechorot Jun 13, 2019

The toy industry has come a long way since Talmudic times. Perhaps the most popular "toy" during the Talmudic era was that of a…

Bechorot Jun 11, 2019

When a kosher animal gives birth to a bechor, a firstborn male, there is an inherent conflict of interest that arises. The Torah instructs that…

Shavuot Jun 7, 2019

Our attitude towards Torah is a most fickle one. On the one hand, the Jewish people demonstrated great faith in following Moshe into a barren…

Shavuot Jun 7, 2019

Our attitude towards Torah is a most fickle one. On the one hand, the Jewish people demonstrated great faith in following Moshe into a barren…

Bamidbar Jun 7, 2019

Sefer Bamidbar opens with names and numbers, a theme that continues throughout the book; hence its name, Chumash Pekudim, the book of counting.…

Bechorot Jun 5, 2019

It is highly unlikely that one would give repeat business to a supposedly kosher butcher who sold you non-kosher meat, or to one who misled you…

Bechukotai May 31, 2019

Twice a year, before Shavuot and Rosh Hashana, we read the tochecha, the list of dire consequences that will, G-d forbid, befall the Jewish…

Bechorot May 30, 2019

How much should we pay teachers? As we discussed in our last post, the Gemara has a clear and simple answer: Nothing. “Just as I [Moshe] taught…

Bechorot May 28, 2019

In our last post, we discussed the need to have an expert examine a bechor in order to declare that it has a mum, thus allowing…

Behar May 24, 2019

The Torah was wary of the employer-employee relationship. Almost by definition, an employee is not much different than a slave; both are told what to…

Bechorot May 23, 2019

A rabbi, dayan, shochet, doctor, and matir bechorot—these are some of the licensed functionaries needed to fully run a Jewish…

Bechorot May 16, 2019

Sometimes the most obscure of arguments can teach the greatest of lessons. That Rabbi Eliezer’s “proofs” from heaven were rejected…

Bechorot May 15, 2019

It is not uncommon to hear people define a mitzvah as a “good deed”. And there is little doubt that many mitzvot are, in fact, very good…

Yom Ha'atzmaut May 9, 2019

The period of sefirat haomer has undergone great transformation over the ages. In the Torah itself, it links the korban haomer …

Acharei Mot May 3, 2019

For those who write divrei Torah, the next few months will be a bit challenging and will demonstrate our geographical frame of reference.…

Acharei Mot May 3, 2019

“Speak to the people of Israel, and say to them, ‘I am the Lord your G-d: Do not follow the ways of Egypt where you once lived, nor of…

Bechorot May 2, 2019

Amongst the many wonderful opportunities and challenges wrought by the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is that of running our…

Bechorot Apr 25, 2019

The privileges and obligations of the firstborn are a major theme of Pesach. Most famously, the proximate cause of the Exodus was makat bechorot, the…

Pesach Apr 25, 2019

As we all know too well, there is often a gap between the ideal and reality. In trying to implement our goals, we all too often fall prey to conflict…

Pesach Apr 25, 2019

As we all know too well, there is often a gap between the ideal and reality. In trying to implement our goals, we all too often fall prey to conflict…

Chulin Apr 22, 2019

It is an amazing but all too common phenomenon that two people can witness the same event and yet “see it” very differently. This is the…

Pesach Apr 19, 2019

“In each and every generation, one must see oneself as if they had left Egypt”.  In Judaism, we not only commemorate the past, we…

Chulin Apr 18, 2019

“Where is Moshe [mentioned] in the Torah?” It is hard to imagine a more—let's be gentle here—superfluous question. A…

Chulin Apr 11, 2019

When I ask ba’alei teshuva what the hardest thing for them to give up is, the most common response I receive is "…

Tazria Apr 5, 2019

The first of Nissan and the first of Tishrei mark the beginnings of the Jewish year. The solar aspect of our calendar—representing the fixed…

Chulin Apr 3, 2019

It is an often-cited truism that the Orthodox community, most ironically, tends to place much greater emphasis on kosher food than on kosher money.…

Shemini Mar 29, 2019

When tragedy strikes there is a tendency to search for some rational explanation as we subsequently attempt to find meaning and a degree of comfort,…

Chulin Mar 27, 2019

“Mar Ukva said: I am, with regard to this matter, like vinegar, son of wine, with respect to Father. Father, if he were to eat meat…

Shemini Mar 26, 2019

“Moshe then inquired, darosh darash, about the goat of the sin offering, and it had been burned” (Vayikra 10:16). Judaism has always…

Tzav Mar 22, 2019

Excitement and consistency: We tend to view these terms as contradictory. Man gets excited over discovering new things and views variety as the spice…

Purim Mar 20, 2019

Purim celebrates the eternity of the Jewish people. Despite exile and dispersion, genocidal enemies and those willing to turn a blind eye to such,…

Chulin Mar 14, 2019

“Because of this the children of Israel, to this day, do not eat the thigh muscle that is on the socket of the hip, since Jacob’s hip…

Chulin Mar 7, 2019

Rabbinic debates are not for the faint-hearted. They can be most intense, and sadly, can lead to tragic consequences. One of the most famous of…

Chulin Mar 5, 2019

In our last post, we spoke about geneivat da’at, generating false goodwill, in the context of gid hanasheh. I imagine very few people…

Vayakhel Mar 1, 2019

“The laws of Shabbat…are like a mountain being held up by a thread” (Chagigah 10a). Shabbat is the pivot around which Jewish life…

Chulin Feb 28, 2019

One would not normally associate the prohibition to eat the gid hanashe, the sciatic nerve, with issues of business ethics. But  related…