Bo Jan 7, 2011

“And Pharaoh awoke, he and all his officials and all the rest of Egypt. There was a great cry, as there was no house where there was no death…

Vayigash Dec 11, 2010

“He kissed all his brothers and wept on their shoulders, and afterwards his brothers spoke with him” (45:14). What a change from twenty-two years…

Chanukah Dec 2, 2010

We tend to assume that, with the recital of the shir shel yom, the daily psalm—or Aleinu if you daven nusach sefarad, Shacharit is over.…

Chanukah Dec 2, 2010

We tend to assume that, with the recital of the shir shel yom, the daily psalm—or Aleinu if you daven nusach sefarad, Shacharit is over.…

Dec 1, 2010

One of the key aspects of the world of business is the crucial importance of the bottom line. And that is the way it should be. The primary—and some…

Nov 30, 2010

One of the key aspects of the world of business is the crucial importance of the bottom line. And that is the way it should be. The primary—and some…

Vayishlach Nov 20, 2010

It is for good reason that co-wives are described as tzarot, literally, problems. Competing as they inevitably must for the same man, their…

Nov 1, 2010

In electing Rob Ford as mayor, voters in the city of Toronto have voted for change. Our mayor-elect has been most forthright in his plan of action,…

Vayeira Oct 23, 2010

Our Sages assert that the Torah pre-dates the creation of the world, in essence serving as the architectural blueprint of creation. This is a…

Sukkot Sep 23, 2010

This week’s d’var Torah is sponsored by Gershon and Leah Vandenbrink with best wishes for a joyous Sukkot. 
In rabbinic literature, Sukkot is known…

Sukkot Sep 23, 2010

This week’s d’var Torah is sponsored by Gershon and Leah Vandenbrink with best wishes for a joyous Sukkot. 
In rabbinic literature, Sukkot is known…

Yom Kippur Sep 18, 2010

The death of the righteous atones, our Sages teach, and it is for this reason that during Mussaf of Yom Kippur, just after recounting the special…

Yom Kippur Sep 18, 2010

The death of the righteous atones, our Sages teach, and it is for this reason that during Mussaf of Yom Kippur, just after recounting the special…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 9, 2010

“On Rosh Hashanah, it is written; and on Yom Kippur, it is sealed, who shall live and who shall die…” (Machzor). It is doubtful…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 9, 2010

“On Rosh Hashanah, it is written; and on Yom Kippur, it is sealed, who shall live and who shall die…” (Machzor). It is doubtful…

Yom Kippur Sep 2, 2010

The High Holiday period is one (we hope!) filled with introspection, reflection and a commitment to try to become a better person. Our religious…

Yom Kippur Sep 2, 2010

The High Holiday period is one (we hope!) filled with introspection, reflection and a commitment to try to become a better person. Our religious…

Aug 1, 2010

The government of Italy recently completed their third tax amnesty in the past eight years. The amnesty—which was only on undeclared income held…

Jul 5, 2010

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet recently announced the launch of the “Giving Pledge” campaign, asking that all billionaires in America donate at least…

May 28, 2010

I wrote the thought below on that last day of saying kaddish for my father, Harav Chaim Yosef ben Harav Zvi Yehudah, z"l, four years ago. It…

May 1, 2010

Just as we thought the recession was over and that economies around the world had turned the corner we are witness to charges of fraud against…

Apr 12, 2010

The issue of heath care, specifically the economics of health care, has taken a central role recently both here and south of the border. Like it or…

Mar 1, 2010

Corporate restructuring in the private sector usually entails job cuts and often increased demands on the “unaffected” employees. However for those…

Vaera Jan 4, 2010

Sometimes the reason why one does something can be even more important than what was actually done. While our Sages note that one should strive to…

Dec 1, 2009

All too often the financial news, especially when viewed from an ethical perspective is disheartening. The Talmudic adage that all sin with regard to…

Lech Lecha Oct 31, 2009

“And Terach’s years were 205 years, and Terach died in Charan. G-d said to Abram, Go away from your land, your birthplace and from…

Noach Oct 16, 2009

“Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generation” (6:9). It is hard to imagine a greater endorsement than that which the Torah gives to Noach.…

Oct 1, 2009

From an ethical perspective this past year has not been a very good one. There has been a seemingly endless stream of scandals involving money…

Sep 21, 2009

"In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth" (1:1). Light, sky, land, vegetation, animals and humans. The Torah's description of creation…

Devarim Sep 7, 2009

After forty years of wandering in the desert, the Jewish people were finally ready to enter the land of Israel. Their experience in the desert and…

Aug 25, 2009

Issues of church and state—especially in the United States, with its constitutional separation of these two realms—are always controversial, often…

Devarim Aug 8, 2009

After 40 long and, with important exceptions, mostly uneventful years, the Jewish people stood poised to enter the Promised Land. Undoubtedly, they…

Jul 28, 2009

Rav Yisroel Salanter, the 19th century ethicist, noted that it takes much more moral strength to be a businessman with integrity than to be a rabbi.…

Jul 1, 2009

It takes great moral strength to be a public servant. As guardians of the public purse they must decide where to spend money and equally importantly…

Jun 1, 2009

Like most children growing up in Canada, hockey was a beloved part of my childhood. Doing my best imitation of Bobby Hull (for some strange reason I…

Behar May 15, 2009

Our Sages equated farming with faith. Only a man of faith could put in months of backbreaking labour, knowing full well that all his efforts could go…

Kedoshim May 2, 2009

One of the cardinal principles of Judaism is the belief in the Divine origin of our Bible. While Moshe Rabbeinu was the greatest of human beings, his…

May 1, 2009

For weeks the GM and Chrysler have been warning that unless their workers make major wage concessions the companies will be forced to file for…

Apr 1, 2009

Family feuds, especially around money, can get very nasty. Throw in some religious tension and watch the sparks fly. A nasty court battle is ongoing…

Mar 25, 2009

Tzedakah has become big business. With the amazing amounts of wealth created in the post war period (the recession notwithstanding we are blessed to…

Yitro Feb 13, 2009

This week's d’var Torah is sponsored by Dr. Charles and Nathalie Piwko in observance of the yahrzeit of Charlie's mother, ob”m, and in celebration of…

Feb 1, 2009

The proliferation of technology has added new meaning to the Talmudic teachings that “there is a seeing eye, a hearing ear and all our actions are…

Feb 1, 2009

Our Sages, ever so perceptive of human nature, note that a person reveals his true self through his “pocket, his drink and his anger (b’kiso, koso,…

Vaera Jan 23, 2009

"And they did not listen to Moshe, from short spirit and hard work" (7:9). Moshe had a daunting dual task before him. Not only did he need to…

Vayechi Jan 9, 2009

"If you really want to do me a kindness... act towards me with truth and kindness and do not bury me in Egypt" (47:29). So begins Yaakov's…

Dec 1, 2008

With the drop in net worth that many have experienced I had planned to write about the need for even greater efforts of tzedaka. With so many more…

Nov 1, 2008

As the financial markets continue on their wild rides analysts form all walks of life continue debating the causes which led to the meltdown hoping…

Oct 1, 2008

“Whomever has a hundred desires two hundred” our Sages declare with their keen insight into human nature. Tragically we are witness to those who have…

Lech Lecha Oct 1, 2008

Judaism and modern western thought both teach the supremacy of man's freedom of choice. For modern man, freedom is rooted in the notion of…

May 1, 2008

Tragically natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is familiar – pictures of destruction and death, with pale looking…