Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Chukat Jul 15, 2024

The transition point from the generation that left Egypt to the one that entered the Land of Israel is never mentioned in the Torah. The Torah does…

Korach Jul 8, 2024

Tzizit and Mezuzah are two of the most popular and easy to fulfil mitzvot. Thankfully, even Jews who are very far removed from traditional practice…

Shelach Lecha Jun 28, 2024

Great people are not afraid to put their name behind their convictions. “And Calev quieted the people for Moshe and said, ‘We will rise…

Behaalotecha Jun 24, 2024

“Moshe said to his father-in-law, ‘We are now on our way to the place that G-d promised to us. Come with us and we will let you share the benefit of…

Naso Jun 17, 2024

The Torah was given to us on at least two occasions. The first revelation, just weeks after the exodus was ineffectual as the people built a golden…

Bamidbar Jun 10, 2024

Sefer Bamidbar can be viewed as a book of missed opportunities. A small group of Jewish slaves—the midrash claims no more than one in five—showed…

Bechukotai Jun 3, 2024

“These are the things that one eats the fruit of in this world and the principal remains in the world to come” (Shabbat 127a). Every morning as we…

Behar May 26, 2024

We tend to categorize mitzvot as either mitzvot between man and G-d or mitzvot between man and man. Tzedakah is a mitzva between man and man whereas…

Emor May 17, 2024

“And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; you…

Kedoshim May 10, 2024

While facts do not lie, they often do not tell the whole truth. Facts are facts but facts still must be evaluated as to their moral propriety. And…

Yom Kippur Acharei Mot May 3, 2024

“And G-d spoke to Moshe after the death of the two children of Aharon when they came close before G-d and they died” (Vayikra 16:1). The Torah then…

Metzora Apr 19, 2024

Judaism teaches that everything has the potential for holiness; after all everything in this world was created by G-d. But it is up to man to…

Tazria Apr 12, 2024

There is no greater joy than having a child. From a religious perspective, bringing new life into this world is the most tangible way of…

Shemini Apr 5, 2024

“Moshe then inquired, darosh darash, about the goat of the sin offering, and it had been burned” (Vayikra 10:16). Judaism has always stressed the…

Tzav Mar 29, 2024

One of the major debates in Jewish thought relates to the appropriateness of ascribing reasons for the mitzvoth of the Torah. One approach asserts…

Vayikra Mar 22, 2024

Jewish etiquette – and law – teach that one should not enter one’s own home, how much more so the home of someone else, without knocking first (…

Pekudei Mar 15, 2024

"These are the accounts, pekudei, of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of testimony, as they were pukad, rendered, according…

Vayakhel Mar 8, 2024

“Moshe gathered the entire congregation of Israel and said to them” (Shemot 35:1). It is extremely rare that the Torah records Moshe speaking to the…

Ki Tisa Mar 3, 2024

Forty days after the most awesome event in history – G-d’s revelation to man - the Jewish people were dancing around a golden calf. Though Moshe had…

Tetzaveh Feb 23, 2024

  The central theme of Sefer Shemot is the formation of the Jewish people as a nation. The group of 70 individuals who descended to Egypt quickly…

Terumah Feb 23, 2024

Symbols play an important part in helping to define who we are. Our clothing, for example, is often symbolic of the social milieu with which we…

Mishpatim Feb 16, 2024

"Rabban Yocḥanan ben Zakkai’s students asked him: ‘For what reason was the Torah stricter with a ganav, thief than with a gazlan, robber?’” (Bava…

Yitro Feb 2, 2024

What kind of book is the Torah and who is it meant for? Rashi begins his commentary to the Torah with the supposition that the Torah is primarily a…

Beshalach Jan 26, 2024

Throughout the Exodus story, the Jewish people are silent. We do not know what they were thinking or doing during the plagues. We hear them rejoicing…