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Ki Teze: The Story Behind the Law

A legal brief and a good story are two very different forms of writing. We have even coined a term…


node (blog) - Macto saepius decet voco decet. Esse plaga secundum. Abluo pneum dolus utrum duis qui…

Amet Haero Meus Quidne Nutus

node (blog) - Acsi probo nimis conventio letalis vulpes nisl conventio. Iustum odio hos esse damnum…

Income Disparity

One must be “thankful” when the news coming out of Israel is the high price of cottage cheese.…

Re'eh: A Missing Heart

“Do not harden your heart and do not close your hand from your impoverished brother” (15:7). The…

Devarim: Location, Location, Location

Location, location, location are the central pillars of real estate. The same can be said for Jews…

Debt Crisis

As we have often noted economic decisions reflect moral choices. As the world economy slowly…

Massei: Journeys

“And these are the journeys of the people of Israel” (33:1). The Torah lists over…

Moral Bailouts

The sight of the CEO's of GM, Ford and Chrysler asking the Untied States Congress for 25 Billion…

A Tribute to a Mentor

Regardless of their personal piety (or lack thereof), Jewish law affirms that an almost superhuman…

Agriprocessors and the Ethics of Kashrut

The kashrut industry is about more than just food. In an industry where sales reach in the billions…

A Tuition Plan

In its current form, the day school system is unsustainable. With tuition increases consistently at…

Pesach: Sunrise in Bnei Brak

“It happened that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akiva and…

Kedoshim: Seeking Holiness

The line between greatness and failure is so small as to be unrecognizable, often revealing itself…

Shabbat Chol Hamoed: Worshipping Idols

It is hard to imagine a more impactful ritual than that of our weekly Torah reading. While its…

Metzora: Talk It Up

Our Rabbis saw a link between the spiritual sin of lashon hara, slander and gossip, and the…

The Morality of Price Disparity

In watching the leadership debate I was struck and almost regardless of the question or issue being…

Election Issues

Technological advances are rapidly changing the nature of almost all that we do. Many of the…