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Pinchas: Moving On

"And Moshe did as G-d had commanded and he took Joshua and stood him before Elazar Hakohen and…

Pesachim 4a: The Rent is Too High

Landlord-tenant disputes are the bread and butter of many a lawyer. No law can account for any…

Pesachim 3b: Story of a Bigmouth

Great leaders are great strategists. The Talmud (Pesachim 3b) relates that a certain non-…

Pesachim 2-3: Light Up the Night

"To tell of  Your loving-kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness at night" (…

Pesachim: Some Opening Thoughts

"On the night of the 14th [of Nissan], one [begins the] search for chametz". So…

Balak: Religious Wars

This week's d'var Torah is sponsored by Golda Brown in honour of the…

Eiruvin 95b: Tefillin for Women

In Talmudic times, it was common for one to wear tefillin all day long. As the Torah does not limit…

Eiruvin 81b: Cash Cow

As more and more of our economy runs on credit, as we increasingly pay for purchases with debit…

Eiruvin 80b: Fighting Over a Crust of Bread

For thousands of years, a meal was defined by the eating of bread. Not only as did bread serve as…

Korach: Some Are More Holy Than Others

The survival of the Jewish people in the desert was a direct result and only possible because of…

Eiruvin 69b: Following in Parents' Footsteps

I dedicate the thought below to the memory of my mother, Rachel bat Chaim (Ruth Kelman) z”l,…

Eiruvin 69: One Big Happy Family

The concept behind an eiruv is that the people making it join together as one large household. Each…

Shelach Lecha: The Little Things

Sefer Bamidbar describes not only the physical locale of the Jewish people, but their spiritual…

Eiruvin 65: Extracurricular Reading

One of the key components of the legal discussions of the Talmud is the bringing of proof texts to…

Eiruvin 64a-65a: L'Chaim, Yom Kippur, and Sin

One of the methods used to help people remember those whom they meet is the mnemonic device of…

Beha'alotcha: What Goes Up Must Come Down

"It was in the second year, on the 20th day of the second month, that the cloud [of glory]…

Eiruvin 63a: May We Debate?

The teacher/student relationship is a most special one.  A teacher must treat his student as…

Eiruvin 60b: He's Only a Prophet

To tell someone that his words are those of prophecy would seem to be the highest compliment one…