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Acharei-Mot, Kedoshim: Egyptian Business

Why were we taken out of Egypt? 

An Introduction to Seder Kodshim

One of the benefits of learning Daf Yomi is that it “forces” one to learn subject areas…

Metzora: Open House, Closed Doors

The power of the spoken word is enormous. Even more powerful is the desire to gossip, a vice…

Horayot 14: Seeking Kavod

We have often commented on the fact that our tradition does not shy away from pointing out the…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Turning Seventy

“And Yaakov worked for Rachel for seven years, and they appeared in his eyes like just a few…

Horayot 14: Standing for Eliyahu

Not every question has an answer and not every problem has a solution. This may be depressing…

Horayot 10: A Pure Sin

Judaism has long rejected the notion that the ends justify the means. One of the most basic of…

Horayot 6: You Call This A Temple?

In his best-selling book, Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely notes how very rare it is for…

Horayot 2: What Do You Think?

In the days before instant replay took over much of sports officiating[1], the rule of thumb was…

An Introduction to Masechet Horayot

One of the most inspiring aspects of the Torah is its very real portrayal of its personalities.…

Pesach: Preparing to Eat

Twice a year, on Yom Kippur and at the Pesach seder, we conclude with the prayer L’…

Avodah Zarah 54: The Wise Men of Rome

It is the rare business that looks to create competition for itself. In fact, the success of a CEO…

Tzav: Happy Thanksgiving

Marketing can make or break a product. Get it right and you are on your way to becoming wealthy.…

Vayikra: Pass the Salt

Modern man finds the notion of sacrifices primitive, archaic and a form of Divine service that is…

Avodah Zarah 27: Time for a Haircut

Imagine going to the barber and fearing that barber may take his razor and slit your throat. Or…

Vayakhel: Gather the People

“When Aaron and all the Israelites saw that the skin of Moshe’s face was shining with a…

Avodah Zarah 36: By the Rabbis; For the People

It is axiomatic that Biblical laws are of greater importance than rabbinic laws. After all, the…

Purim: Where is Haman?

"Where is Haman recorded in the Torah?" So asks the Talmud (Chulin 139b), in a…