Judaism has always understood that miracles have very little long-term impact on one's behaviour.…

Korach: Power Outage
The lust for power can destroy a person. It is amazing how people who are otherwise very competent…

Shelach Lecha: The Wrong Fit
Having the right people for the wrong job can lead to tragic consequences. Such was the fate of the…

Beha'alotcha: Dan and Din
“[Then journeyed] the flag of the camp of Dan m'aseif, the gatherer, of all the camps” (…

Naso: Welcoming the Outsider
The first chapters of the book of Bamidbar focus on readying the people to enter the Land. The…

Bamidbar: A Heavy Price
In order to be effective, leaders must be sensitive to the feelings and concerns of the general…

Shavuot: A Long Weekend
This year, Shavuot falls on a Sunday. This rather unremarkable observation is of little import…

Voting for Heaven
For those living in the Province of Ontario—that includes yours truly—today is Election Day!

Bechukotai: Truth and Consequences
Judaism demands that we do what’s right because it’s right, without thought of recognition or…

Behar: Interest Rates are Falling
“I am the Lord your G-d, Who took you out of the land of Egypt”. While we associate these words…

Lag BaOmer: Coming Together
Lag BaOmer is a mysterious holiday. There is no mention of it in the Gemara, a fact that led the…

Emor: We Are All Kohanim
Sefer Vayikra deals with the role of the Temple and that of the Kohanim in Jewish life. So it seems…

Kedoshim: No Mercy Allowed
Commenting on the Torah's charge "to be holy, since I the Lord your G-d am holy" (Vayikra, 19:…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: A 74 Piece Orchestra
Four, seven, ten, eighteen, forty, seventy, for Jews around the world have an immediate and…

Acharei Mot: Good Friends
“Do not follow the ways of Egypt, where you once lived” (Vayikra 18:2). The Jewish people's…

Pesach: Time is Relative
“Could it be from Rosh Chodesh?” the authors of the Hagadah ask, raising the possibility that one…

Metzora: Home Sweet Home
The home plays a critical—if not the critical—role in the development of Jewish life. The efforts…

Tazria: The Cycles of Life
During Jewish leap years, Parshat HaChodesh, the special maftir portion we read on the…