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Time to Share

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet recently announced the launch of the “Giving Pledge” campaign, asking…

The Power of Kaddish

I wrote the thought below on that last day of saying kaddish for my father, Harav Chaim Yosef ben…

Goldman Sachs: A Greek Tragedy

Just as we thought the recession was over and that economies around the world had turned the corner…

Paying for Health Care

The issue of heath care, specifically the economics of health care, has taken a central role…

How to get Fired

Corporate restructuring in the private sector usually entails job cuts and often increased demands…

Vaera: The Right Reason

Sometimes the reason why one does something can be even more important than what was actually done…


All too often the financial news, especially when viewed from an ethical perspective is…

Lech Lecha: A Loving Son

“And Terach’s years were 205 years, and Terach died in Charan. G-d said to Abram,…

Noach: A Penny Saved

“Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generation” (6:9). It is hard to imagine a greater…

A Corrupt Year

From an ethical perspective this past year has not been a very good one. There has been a seemingly…

Parshat Bereshit - Science and Torah

"In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth" (1:1). Light, sky, land, vegetation,…

Devarim: Developing Torah

After forty years of wandering in the desert, the Jewish people were finally ready to enter the…

The Appeal of a Teacher

Issues of church and state—especially in the United States, with its constitutional separation of…

Devarim: Have No Fear

After 40 long and, with important exceptions, mostly uneventful years, the Jewish people stood…

Happy With "His" Lot

Rav Yisroel Salanter, the 19th century ethicist, noted that it takes much more moral strength to be…

Isotopes and Politicals

It takes great moral strength to be a public servant. As guardians of the public purse they must…

Hockey Night in Hamilton

Like most children growing up in Canada, hockey was a beloved part of my childhood. Doing my best…

Behar: Speaking of Sinai

Our Sages equated farming with faith. Only a man of faith could put in months of backbreaking…