Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin is mara d’asra (senior rabbi) of Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation (“The BAYT”). He received his rabbinic ordination from HaRav Yaakov Ruderman zt”l, of Ner Israel Rabbinic College. He has served pulpits in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Allentown, PA.
Rabbi Korobkin holds a Master of Science degree from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Graduate School, as well as a Master of Arts degree in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought from UCLA. He is the translator and annotator of the Feldheim edition of Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi’s Kuzari. Rabbi Korobkin is the honorary president of the Rabbinical Council of America, the largest fraternal order of Orthodox rabbis in North America.
Speaker's Resources
The Ba'al Teshuva and the Experience of Return
Dr. Elliott Malamet, Dr. Lisa Aiken, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Harvey Belovski, Rabbi Sholom Schwartz
The Shidduch Crisis
Aliza Abrams, Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman
The Shidduch Crisis
Aliza Abrams, Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Simcha Feuerman
Beyond Labels: Can't We All Get Along? The Rabbi Joseph and Ruth Kelman z"l Memorial Lecture
Rabbi Avi Shafran, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Educating Our Children in a Complex World Panel Discussion - Leaving Judaism: The Return to Questioning
Ari Margolies, Dr. Elliott Malamet, Leah Malamet, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Educating Our Children in a Complex World
Ari Margolies, Dr. Elliott Malamet, Leah Malamet, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi Michael Skobac, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
The Pope Who Wrote Nishmas: The Legend of Shimon Kippa and Its Relationship to Pesach
Rabbi Daniel Korobkin