The Shidduch Crisis
Few topics in contemporary Orthodoxy evoke as much passion and discussion as that of shidduchim and marriage. Articles and advice columns abound regarding whether there is a shidduch crisis; whether young people are prepared for marriage; whether the shidduch scene reflects genuine or distorted Jewish values. In a can't-miss panel discussion at the BAYT in Toronto, Torah in Motion explores the world of shidduchim, marriage and the pressure of relationships in the frum world today. Moderated by Dr. Elliott Malamet.
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Meet the speakers

Aliza Abrams
Aliza Abrams is the Director of the Department of Jewish Service Learning at Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future (CJF). She holds a BA in Judaic Studies from Stern College for Women and a Masters in Social Work from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Aliza’s career began at the CJF as the Presidential Fellow in the Department of Community Initiatives. Over the last number of years Aliza has built up the service learning program at Yeshiva University and has worked with thousands…

Rabbi Chananya Weissman
Rabbi Chananya Weissman is an educator and the author of five books, and many of his articles are available at He is also the founder of EndTheMadness, a grassroots effort to bring sanity and true Torah values back to the shidduch world, and HotKiddush, a revolutionary way for Jews to meet and network online—both free services to the community.

Rabbi Daniel Korobkin
Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin is mara d’asra (senior rabbi) of Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation (“The BAYT”). He received his rabbinic ordination from HaRav Yaakov Ruderman zt”l, of Ner Israel Rabbinic College. He has served pulpits in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Allentown, PA. Rabbi Korobkin holds a Master of Science degree from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Graduate School, as well as a Master of Arts degree in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Thought from UCLA. He is…

Rabbi Simcha Feuerman
Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, serves as Director of Operations for OHEL Chidrens Home and Family Services. He also serves as president of Nefesh Intl., a trade association of Orthodox mental health professionals. In addition, he maintains a private psychotherapy practice, where he specializes in high-conflict couples and families. His latest book, co-authored with his wife Chaya Feuerman, LCSW-R, is titled Marriage 911 and is available in bookstores and through Amazon as a Kindle book.