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The Syrian Refugees and The Giving Pledge

As Canada begins welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees, it behooves us to think of the flourishing…

I Married My Niece: Gittin 17

Timing is everything. Not only is picking the right time to do something crucial but recording that…

It Sure Doesn't Sound Jewish: Gittin 11


Shemot: It's All In The Name

I imagine most of us have experienced being in a noisy room focusing on the conversation we are…

A Line in the Parchment:Gittin 6

How does one measure greatness in Torah learning? We can glean an important insight from the…

Vayechi: The First Grandchildren

The Good Old Days: Gittin 5

    We live in a generation in which many seek chumrot, religious stringency…

One is Enough: Gittin 6

  One would not expect the laws of divorce to be affected by one's location. Thus it…

An Introduction to Masechet Gittin

After detailing the laws of the suspected adulteress the Mishna moves to masechet Gittin. While the…

The Comfort Zone: Sotah 44

  Part of the purpose of the harsh treatment of the Sotah is convincing the suspected…

Chanukah: The Dark Days of Winter

Of all our holidays, only that of Chanukah begins in the second half of the month. Rosh Hashanah,…

I Thought I Was Humble: Sotah 40

  In our last post we discussed the Talmudic tendency to group together sayings of…

Please Bless Me: Sotah 38

  Originally meant as an oral “text” the Talmud features a number of mnemonic…

Vayeshev: Look Out the Window

Why was it that Abraham and Yitzchak had only one child who would remain within the Jewish people…

Do Not Pray: Sotah 37

  It is an amazing aspect of the human condition that two people can see the same thing yet…

Language Barriers: Sotah 33

  One of most bitter and divisive (Jewish) fights of the 19th century was that…

Mind Your Own Business: Sotah 21

In our last post we discussed how a rasha arum, a cunning evildoer, is amongst the…

The Tuition Crisis: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

  Most Canadians in turning 71 get a monetary windfall as they begin to cash in the savings…