Gitin | Torah In Motion

Articles Gitin

Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Gittin

  After 90 double-sided pages, Masechet Gittin is coming to a close. We have discussed in great detail the intricacies of the laws of Gittin;…

What's in a Name: Gittin 87

  We as a society identify people by their last name (or sadly, even if understandably, by a number). Such was not always the case. When life…

Living Together: Gittin 81

There are certain rabbinic debates where one can only say thank G-d that we do not follow a certain view. Such would be the case in the debate…

Who is Wise?: Gittin 67

As a teacher one of my favorite parts of my work is parent teacher meetings. I (usually) find it most interesting talking to parents in general and…

The First Aliyah: Gittin 59

  "These are the things that are said mipnei darchei shalom." (Gittin 59) After listing a series of rabbinic enactments …

A Peace of Torah: Gittin 59

  Perhaps the most famous Talmudic story is that of the convert who wants to learn the entire Torah while standing on one foot. For good…

Don't Get it in Writing: Gittin 60

  “Vekatav lah sefer krietoot”, and he shall write for her a book of separation (Devarim 25:1). A get must be in…

What is Life Worth?: Gittin 45

  In the first row of the remarkably preserved Jewish cemetery in Worms (one we will please G-d visit on this summer's Journey…

Changing My Mind: Gittin 41

One of the marks of a great person is the ability to change one’s mind. While such may end the career of a politician[1] it demonstrates…

Making the Pruzbul Work: Gittin 36

  One of the most famous rabbinic enactments is that of the pruzbul, enacted by the great sage Hillel, which allowed a loan to be…

Estate Planning:Gittin 35

  Two of the groups of people to whom we must show the greatest consideration are the widow and the orphan. It is these two who come in…

Living in Sin: Gittin 33

  "Initially one would establish a court in another place and nullify [the get]. Rabban Gamliel the Elder decreed that one may not…

A Love-Hate Relationship: Gittin 23

The commandment to love and care for others, perhaps the most important in the entire Torah, while applicable to all is phrased in the context of one…

Points for Penmanship: Gittin 22

  One of the primary requirements of a get is that it be written lishma, with the husband's intent of divorcing the…

I Married My Niece: Gittin 17

Timing is everything. Not only is picking the right time to do something crucial but recording that time can be equally important. This is especially…

It Sure Doesn't Sound Jewish: Gittin 11

    In a well-known Midrash our Sages assert that one of the factors that prevented the total assimilation of the Jews in Egypt thereby…

A Line in the Parchment:Gittin 6

How does one measure greatness in Torah learning? We can glean an important insight from the Talmudic discussion regarding the status of …

The Good Old Days: Gittin 5

    We live in a generation in which many seek chumrot, religious stringency. This can be most positive, hamachmir tavo…