Beyond the Text, Into Their World 

Shulie Mishkin 

Thursdays at 12:00 PM Eastern/7:00 PM Israel Time
January 16 - February 20, 2025 (6 classes)

What was life like in the time of the Mishnah and the Gemara? How were the experiences different? Join Shulie Mishkin and delve into the realia of the daf, based on the archaeology and nature of the land of Israel.

January 16
Natural World #1: Animals

January 23
Natural World #2: Plants and Environment

January 30
Death and Beyond: Burial, Cemeteries, Demons, Medicine, Crucifixion

February 6
Others: Christians, Sects, Samaritans, Romans

February 13
Personalities, Off the Beaten Track: Yonatan ben Uziel, Honi, Geneiva, and Others

February 20
Women: Hova, R. Hisda's Daughter, Shmuel's Sisters, Yalta, Marta

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