e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: 2023 Pesach Learning Series

2023 Pesach Learning Series

Wednesday March 22 - Sunday April 16

All Times are Eastern

Why is the Last Day of Pesaca Yom tov  
Tuesaday April 11, 9:30 am
Rabbi Jay Kelman


Taxonomy of Children, Taxonomy of Questions
Wednesday, March 22, 2:00 pm
Rabbi Allen Schwartz

The Uniqueness of the Month of Nissan
Thursday March 23, 1:00 pm
Rabbi Aaron Adler

When Was the Commandment to Eat Matza Given?
Sunday March 26, 11:15am
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

מה נשתנה השאלות והתשובות של ההגדה
Sunday March 26, 12:30 pm
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

Are Pesach Guides Getting Stricter?
Monday March 27, 12:00 pm .
Yosef Lindell

What is Charoset?
Tuesday March 28, 11:00 am
Dr. Moshe Sokolow

כדי שהתינוק ישאל - "So that Our Children Will Ask Questions...What will We Answer?"
Tuesday March 28, 1:00 pm
Rabbi Moshe Shulman

Did an Aramean Really Try to Destroy My Father?
Wednesday March 29, 12:15 pm
Dr. Martin Lockshin

"Pesah Mitzrayim, Pesah Dorot, Pesah Sheini and Pesah Devarim: Is There An Evolving Pesah?"
Wednesday March 29, 8:30 pm
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Emerging from the Clefts of the Rock: Reading Shir Ha-Shirim 2:14
Thursday March 30, 1:00 pm
Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

A Closer Look at the Haggadah
Friday March 31, 9:30 am
Rabbi Jay Kelman

The Special Hallel of Seder Night
Sundays April 2, 10:00 am
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith

One night, or for Seven Days? How Often Must We Eat Matza?
Sundays April 2, 11:15am
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Hippazon: Leaving Fast, Leaving Slow
Monday April 3, 11:00 am
Rabbi Alex Israel

Darkness to Light: The Experience of Seder Night
Tuesday April 4, 11:00 am
Leora (Moskowitz) Orenshein

A Closer Look at the Haggadah
Wednesday April 5, 9:30 am
Rabbi Jay Kelman

The Pesach series is sponsored by Jeff Weiss in observance of the yahrzeit of his father Binyamin ben Chaim z”l.

Meet the speakers

Classes of e-TiM: 2023 Pesach Learning Series

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