Thoughts from the Daf | Torah In Motion

Articles Thoughts from the Daf

Bava Metzia 21: Intro to Talmud

I, probably like many of you began my formal study of Talmud learning Eilu Metziot, the second chapter of masechet Bava Metzia. “These are the…

What's a Little Lie?: Bava Metzia 5

“Two people are holding onto a tallit. This one says…‘it is all mine’ and this one says ‘it is all mine’…

Crime Pays: Bava Metzia 5

"Crime doesn’t pay" is a nice moral message but not a very practical one. Most criminals, especially those who commit petty crime,…

Introducing Bava Metzia

“Two people are holding on to a tallit. This one says ‘I found it’ and this one says ‘I found it’; this one says…

The Law of the Land: Bava Kamma 113

Dina demalchuta dina, the law of the land is the law, is one of the most famous, far-reaching and even revolutionary laws of the Talmud. At its most…

Travelling for Teshuva: Bava Kamma 103

The distinction between a ganav and a gazlan is fairly well known. The former in trying to hide his crime pays double the amount stolen whereas the…

Keep the Money: Bava Kamma 94

Doing teshuva is hard work. Sinning can be fun, easy to do, financially beneficial and habit forming. Change is hard. It requires hard work,…

The Wisdom of the Common Man: Bava Kamma 92

One of the revolutions of Judaism was its democratization. No person is inherently superior to another--all are created in the same Divine image. One…

Please Forgive Me: Bava Kamma 92

“Even though he repays him he is not forgiven until he asks him.” (Bava Kamma 92a) In our last couple of postings we have discussed the…

Let's Have a Party!: Bava Kamma 87

In our last post we discussed Rabbi Yehuda’s (rejected) view that the blind are exempt from mitzvoth. This exemption actually brought great joy…

The Death Penalty?: Bava Kamma 86

Rav Yaakov Ettlinger in his collection of responsa (Binyan Tzion #172) discusses the powerful and scary question of whether one has to give up one…

Take Five:Bava Kamma 85

Masechet Bava Kamma begins by describing one’s responsibility to pay for damages caused by one’s animals. It then discusses damages one…

A Perfect Ten: Bava Kamma 82

“Rav Yossi said: It would have been proper for the Torah to be given by Ezra had Moshe not preceded him.” (Sanhedrin 21b) It was Moshe…

Only One Chance: Bava Kamma 80

When opportunity knocks, answer – you may not get a second chance. Or to quote the language of our Sages “a closed door does not easily […

Baa Baa Black Sheep: Bava Kamma 80

One of the beautiful features of the Land of Israel is its wide-ranging topography. The lowest point on earth some 1,300 feet below sea level is…

Man and G-d: Bava Kamma 79

  “The disciples of Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai asked him ‘why was the Torah stricter regarding a ganav, thief than a gazlan…

Talking too Much: Bava Kamma 72

  “Al pi [1], according to the testimony of two or three shall something be established.” (Devarim 19:15) With so much power…

It's Almost Chanukah: Bava Kamma 62b

While there are 613 categories of mitzvoth they are not all created equal. Saving a life is more important than observing Shabbat, Shabbat is more…