Thoughts from the Daf | Torah In Motion

Articles Thoughts from the Daf

Zevachim 48: Go North

“The ox and goat of Yom Kippur are slaughtered in the north” (Zevachim 47a). As we discussed in our last post, the fifth perek …

Zevachim 47: I Agree!

Other than belief in G-d, there is almost nothing in Judaism that is not subject to debate. Does G-d have a body? Should Biblical stories be…

Zevachim 46: What's On Your Mind?

One of the classic debates of the Talmud – and one with no clear resolution – is whether or not mitzvoth tzreechot kavanah. The term…

Zevachim 38: Do it Right

One of the first innovations of the Reform movement was the removal from the siddur of all references to Zion and the Temple. The emerging…

An Introduction to Seder Kodshim

One of the benefits of learning Daf Yomi is that it “forces” one to learn subject areas that would otherwise be ignored. Each one of the…

Horayot 14: Seeking Kavod

We have often commented on the fact that our tradition does not shy away from pointing out the weaknesses and failings of our great Sages. This idea…

Horayot 14: Standing for Eliyahu

Not every question has an answer and not every problem has a solution. This may be depressing for some, especially the young and idealistic (all…

Horayot 10: A Pure Sin

Judaism has long rejected the notion that the ends justify the means. One of the most basic of Talmudic rules is that a mitzvah haba b’…

Horayot 6: You Call This A Temple?

In his best-selling book, Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely notes how very rare it is for humans to make decisions in absolute terms. Rather,…

Horayot 2: What Do You Think?

In the days before instant replay took over much of sports officiating[1], the rule of thumb was that the ‘umpire is right even when he is…

An Introduction to Masechet Horayot

One of the most inspiring aspects of the Torah is its very real portrayal of its personalities. People—heroes and villains alike – are…

Avodah Zarah 54: The Wise Men of Rome

It is the rare business that looks to create competition for itself. In fact, the success of a CEO is often judged less by profits than by market…

Avodah Zarah 27: Time for a Haircut

Imagine going to the barber and fearing that barber may take his razor and slit your throat. Or going to a doctor who may purposely give you medicine…

Avodah Zarah 36: By the Rabbis; For the People

It is axiomatic that Biblical laws are of greater importance than rabbinic laws. After all, the former emanate from a Divine Creator, whereas the…

Avodah Zarah 19: The Right Person for the Right Job

  Considering the amount of time one spends at work, there is little sadder than being in a job one does not like. How wonderful it is when…

Avodah Zarah 19: Learn What You Like

“The age of five for the study of Tanach, the age of ten for Mishna and the age of fifteen for Talmud[1]” (Pirkei Avot 5:21). Our Sages…

Avodah Zarah 18: Too Much Torah!

While we often tend to view the ancient Romans as evil enemies out to eradicate Judaism and kill Jews, the truth is that the relationship between…

Avodah Zarah 18: The Power of the Letters

One of the differences between Ashkenazic and Sephardic culture, both religiously and otherwise, is in their view of the mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem,…