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Ki Teizei: Put it in Context

Category: Parsha Thoughts, Ki Teitzei

When trying to properly understand something context is crucial. Torah is no different. A proper…

Author: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Read more about Ki Teizei: Put it in Context

Shoftim: It is Your Responsibility

Category: Parsha Thoughts, Shoftim

“Then all the elders of the town nearest to the corpse shall wash their hands over the heifer whose…

Author: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Read more about Shoftim: It is Your Responsibility

Re'eh: Conflicting Emotions

Category: Parsha Thoughts, Re'eh

It is difficult to feel two contradictory emotions at the same time. Conflicting, if not …

Author: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Read more about Re'eh: Conflicting Emotions

Eikev: Thank You!

Category: Parsha Thoughts, Eikev

We all like to take credit for success, but failure we tend to blame on others. Such is human…

Author: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Read more about Eikev: Thank You!