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Perhaps Man’s greatest fear is his ultimate irrelevance, that we really don’t make a difference and that in the greater scheme of things, our lives are for naught. This is why people yearn to leave a legacy, and it is often for this…
Modern man finds the notion of sacrifices primitive, archaic and a form of Divine service that is no longer necessary. Yet to ancient man, nothing came more naturally than offering sacrifices to G-d. Cain and Hevel, Noach and Abraham instinctively…
Sefer Vayikra serves as the “central” book of the Chumash; on one side flanked by Breisheet and Shemot, which detail the founding of the Jewish people; and on the other side by Bamidbar and Devarim, detailing the long and arduous…
This week the focus of the Torah reading shifts from the construction of the Mishkan to the korbanot, one (but only one) of the purposes of building the Mishkan in the first place and its successor the Beit Hamikdash.
While many…
Modern psychological research has shown that infants begin processing information even before they are born, and impressions made on children have an everlasting effect. It is for this reason that the Mishna in Pirkei Avot (2:11) heaps praise…