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Songs of the Halutzim and the Early State of Israel
Dr. Moshe Sokolow
Tuesdays 11:00am Eastern, 6:00pm Israel
Beginning February 7 (No Class March 7 - Purim)
The lyrics and tunes that made up the songs sung by pioneers in Palestine through the early…
The Menorah of Zecharia: The Menorah of the Rambam
Dr, Beni Gesundheit
Sundays, December 11 & 18
10:00am Eastern, 5:00pm Israel
December 11: The Meaning of Chanukah in Maimonides’ Halachic-Philosophical Teaching
This shiur will review the…
Why Aren't the Books of the Maccabees in the Tanach?
Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz
Mondays December 12 & 19
11:00 am Eastern, 6:00pm Israel
Hanukah is the only festival that doesn't have a biblical book associated with it. Why? We'll look at what…
Letters from Chanukahs and Purims Past: Revisiting the Establishment of Holidays and Judea-Diapora Relations
Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich
Wednesday December 14
12:00pm Eastern 7:00pm Israel
In the second and first century BCE, Judean leaders in Jerusalem…
Rav Kook on "Can Maccabees and Hellenists Get Along?"
Rabbi Ari Shvat
Mondays December 12 & 19
1:30pm Eastern, 8:30pm Israel
Rav Kook, one of the most innovative thinkers of the past century, is known for his approach of harmonizing the apparent…