Live Programs
The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy

Sponsored by Harry Koster and Murray Newman in memory of their Parents: Moshe ben Shlomo v’Chava and Shoshana bat Tsvi v’Hinda and Zvi Meyer ben Chaim v’Faygie and Chana Rifka bat Sarah v’Eliahu

In 1861 Rav Yaakov Ettlinger penned what is likely the most revolutionary responsa of modern times; one that allowed, for the first time in Jewish history, those who publicly desecrated the Shabbat to remain part of the observant Jewish community. It allowed for the existence of the "non-Orthodox, Orthodox" and successfully kept many within the fold of Orthodoxy despite their very public desecration of laws for which the Torah calls for a death penalty.   To date the Orthodox community has not successfully paved a path for keeping those in the LGBT community within Orthodoxy. This inability has driven many in the LGBT community out of Orthodoxy, despite their desire to remain part of the Orthodox community.   To begin a discussion on this important issue - one that impacts either directly or through loved ones, a significant portion of the community -  we at Torah in Motion will be holding a panel discussion:  The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy Thursday May 26,  8:00 pm  at Associated Hebrew Schools, Kamin Education Centre 300 Atkinson Ave, Thornhill We have assembled a group of outstanding panelists each representing an important perspective on this issue. Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Spiritual leader of the BAYT will give introductory remarks  Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Spiritual leader of Shaarei Shomayim Congregation will give closing remarks Dr. Elliott Malamet will be moderating the panel Your donation towards this program is greatly appreciated.

Meet the speakers

Classes of The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy