Live Programs
Renewing Our Spirit 2016

Fifteenth Annual Conference

Renewing Our Spirit 2016

Shaarei Shomayim Congregation,
470 Glencairn Avenue, Toronto

Saturday Night, November 5, 8:15 pm:

The Evolution of Orthodoxy

Introductory Remarks: Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

Professor Adam Ferziger, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Shuli Taubes

Moderator: Dr. Elliott Malamet

Sunday, November 6


Muhammad and Midrash:  Jewish-Muslim Relations at the Birth of Islam
Ari Gordon


Justice Before Law: Tzedek and Mishpat in Sefer Bereshit
Shuli Taubes


Is There a Blueprint for the Universe? The Origins of the Universe and Life
Daniel Friedmann


The Lookstein Legacy
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein in Conversation with Dr. Elliott Malamet


Beyond Bais Yaakov: The Silent Revolution Of Haredi Women
Dr. Adam Ferziger


Reconciling Genesis and Science on the Appearance of Humans
Daniel Friedmann


Between East and West: Israeli Religious Zionism and American Modern Orthodoxy
Dr. Adam Ferziger


Nitzchuni Banai: Rendering Halachic Decisions with a Human Perspective
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein 


Purchase a TiMPass for entry to all local programs CLICK HERE 

Sponsorships begin at $180 and include two tickets and are tax-receiptable 



Refreshments will be served

Meet the speakers

Classes of Renewing Our Spirit 2016

Source Material