Live Programs
Jordan's River is Deep and Wide and I've Got a Home on the Other Side: Yehoshua and the Persistence of Memory

Thank you to Michael and Ophira Sone for their sponsorship.

Rabbi Michael Hattin is the author of Joshua: The Challenge of the Promised Land in the Maggid Studies in Tanakh series from Koren Publishers.


Neviim, Yehoshua

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Michael Hattin

Michael Hattin is a master teacher of Tanakh and Halakha at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and serves as the Director of the Beit Midrash for the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators.  He studied for semicha at Yeshivat Har Etzion and holds a professional degree in architecture from the University of Toronto.  Michael is the author of Passages: Text and Transformation in the Parasha, published by Urim Publications in 2012 as well as Joshua: The Challenge of the Promised

Rabbi Michael Hattin bio & resources