e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: What to Expect in the World of Expecting
What to Expect in the World of Expecting
Rabbi Matthew Nitzanim
Mondays, November 6 to December 11 - 1:00pm Eastern, 8:00pm Israel
Human fertility is rapidly changing, as innovative technologies are leading us to reimagine the road to parenthood. Yet these seismic shifts in how we think about medicine, parenthood, and the onset of life pose pressing ethical questions, along with new halakhic conundra. In this course, we'll explore what guidance the Jewish tradition can offer us, as adherents of the Torah and as conscientious humans, as we explore how we might think about bringing children into the world - personally, communally, and globally. Whether you're a rabbi, an OB, a genetics counselor, or just an individual thinking about what building a family will look like in the next decade, this course will address questions you and those around you may be facing.
Monday, November 6 at 1:00pm
Destroying Pre-embryos: When Does Humanity Begin?
Monday, November 13 at 1:00pm
Misimplantation of Pre-embryos: Who Takes the Child Home?
Monday, November 20 at 1:00pm
Artificial Wombs: Babies Without Birth?
Monday, November 27 at 1:00pm
Being A Surrogate: May One Birth for Others?
Monday, December 4 at 1:00pm
Employer Coverage for Cryopreservation: Is Parenthood a Right?
Monday, December 11 at 1:00pm
Polygenic Risk Scores: How Much Should We Know?