e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Rosh Hashana 5785 Yom Iyyun

Please join us for a day of learning at our Rosh Hashana Yom Iyyun

9:15am - 1:30pm Eastern
4:15pm - 8:30pm Israel Time

9:15am Eastern/ 4:15pm Israel Time
Shma Yisrael: Does it Really Belong in Rosh Hashanah's Musaf
Rabbi Mark Dratch

9:55am Eastern/ 4:55pm Israel Time
Decoding the Shofar- The Hidden Messages of Tekiya, Shvarim & Teruah
Rabbi Ari Chwat

10:35am Eastern/ 5:35pm Israel Time
And The Binding of Yitzchak- on Behalf of his Descendants -
May You Remember it Today with Compassion

Leah Silver
Sponsored by Rabbi Meir Brueckheimer in honour of his daughter's shiur, 

11:15am Eastern/6:15 Israel Time
The famous Aleinu prayer - Once a year or 3 times a day
The Biblical theme of Malchiot

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

11:55am Eastern/6:55pm Israel Time

12:10pm Eastern/ 7:10pm Israel Time
The War On Satan on Rosh Hashanah 
Rabbi David Stav

12:50pm Eastern/ 7:50pm Israel Time
Paradigms of prayer: Why We invoke our Forefathers during Selichot?
Yoetzet Halacha Racheli Taubes

The learning is sponsored by Carole Daman in memory of her husband, Dr. Harlan Daman, Tzvi Hirsh ben Dovid Aryeh z”l. May we all be blessed with good health and long life in the coming year.


Rabbi Refoel and Sharon Auman in loving memory of their son, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Auman, הרב שמואל אליהו ז״ל בן הרב רפאל נ״י. He was נפטר from cancer at the age of 23. He was a very beloved son, husband and father as well as a dedicated Rebbe and a tireless member of הצלה.    
יהי זכרו ברוך!




Rosh Hashanah

Meet the speakers

Classes of e-TiM: Rosh Hashana 5785 Yom Iyyun

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