Live Programs
5th International Conference on Jewish Medical Ethics
To register, please click on "Full Price List," above.
Save the date for another wonderful weekend of Torah learning and thought-provoking lectures by renowned speakers. As always, we will have great food and lovely, picturesque facilities. Click here to reserve your spot.
This year, for the first time, there will be special children's programming, as well as a parallel non-medical track. A limited number of student places are available, starting at $350. Please call 416 633 5770 for details.
This event is approved for up to 15 credits by the Office for Continuing Health Professional Education (CHPE). The Office for CHPE, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Education (CACME). This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Through a reciprocal agreement between the American Medical Association and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the Office for CHPE, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University designates this activity for AMA PRA Category 1 credit(s) up to the maximum number of credit hours noted above. Each physician should claim only credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Here's what people have said about our previous Jewish Medical Ethics conferences:
"Yasher Koach for a marvelous weekend at Lake Placid. There wasn't a person who I spoke to who didn't rave about every aspect of the programming."
"It was the most exciting learning experience that I have ever attended."
"I left the conference on a total high. It was such a wonderful Shabbat experience. It was a Kiddush Hashem in so many aspects. The Torah learned, the Divrei Torah, and being in the presence of true role models was a wonderful experience."
"I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Jewish Medical Ethics conference last week in Lake Placid. I found the sessions and the networking opportunities to be very worthwhile. I look forward to the opportunity to participate in the conference in a more active way in the future."
For MP3 recordings from our 4th International Jewish Medical Ethics Conference, please click here.