Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Yom Ha'atzmaut May 9, 2019

The period of sefirat haomer has undergone great transformation over the ages. In the Torah itself, it links the korban haomer …

Pesach Apr 25, 2019

As we all know too well, there is often a gap between the ideal and reality. In trying to implement our goals, we all too often fall prey to conflict…

Pesach Apr 19, 2019

“In each and every generation, one must see oneself as if they had left Egypt”.  In Judaism, we not only commemorate the past, we…

Purim Mar 20, 2019

Purim celebrates the eternity of the Jewish people. Despite exile and dispersion, genocidal enemies and those willing to turn a blind eye to such,…

Sukkot Sep 23, 2018

Judaism is not oblivious to the power and even importance of physical beauty. Phrases such as yefat tohar v’yefot ma’areh, loosely…

Yom Kippur Sep 18, 2018

“For the sin that we sinned before you with the evil inclination”.  The double alphabetic acrostic of the al chet lists a…

Yom Kippur Sep 12, 2018

“Rav Yehuda said in the name of Rav: the majority [of people sin] regarding theft, a minority regarding adultery, and all with lashon hara…

Shavuot May 18, 2018

How should one celebrate the receiving of the Torah? The Talmud (Pesachim 68b) quotes a seemingly strange argument as to how to properly celebrate…

Lag Ba'omer May 3, 2018

It is hard to imagine two people who had a greater influence on the development of Judaism during the dark period of Roman persecution than Rabbi…

Yom Ha'atzmaut Apr 19, 2018

“And Yaakov worked for Rachel for seven years, and they appeared in his eyes like just a few because of his love for her” (Breisheet 29:…

Pesach Mar 30, 2018

Twice a year, on Yom Kippur and at the Pesach seder, we conclude with the prayer L’shanna haba’ah b’Yerushalayim. It is…

Purim Feb 28, 2018

"Where is Haman recorded in the Torah?" So asks the Talmud (Chulin 139b), in a seemingly incomprehensible question. Surely one would…

Chanukah Dec 13, 2017

The holiday of Chanukah is a most beloved one. Lighting the candles is the only mitzvah that has, built into its performance, a three-tiered system:…

Sukkot Oct 4, 2017

Sukkot marks the beginning of the end of the holiday season. As the fall season commences, and as the days get progressively shorter and colder,…

Yom Kippur Sep 29, 2017

The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 619:6) quotes a custom to remain in shul through the night of Yom Kippur, singing songs of praise to G-d.…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 20, 2017

Rosh Hashanah is first and foremost a day of prayer. Prayer, as Rav Soloveitchik often noted, is rooted in asking G-d to fulfil our needs. One who is…

Shavuot May 30, 2017

“And these are the generations of Peretz…. Shalmon begot Boaz…and Yishai begot David" (Rut 4:18-22). So ends the Book of Rut, read on Shavuot,…

Pesach Apr 16, 2017

Pesach is the Jewish holiday of hope. It marks the beginning of the Jewish (lunar) year – and new years are always times of hope. It is celebrated in…

Pesach Apr 10, 2017

Our images of Egyptian slavery are those of forced labor and murder by a ruthless tyrant and his many followers. Despite Joseph literally saving…

Pesach Apr 9, 2017

"He made a feast for them and baked matzah and they ate" (Breisheet 19:3). The "angels" had come to Sedom to rescue Lot from…

Purim Mar 12, 2017

What should one do when the needs of the Jewish people conflict with the needs of Judaism? When the only way to keep our people Jewishly involved is…

Chanukah Dec 25, 2016

Perhaps the greatest challenge facing Jewishly conscious people in the modern world is figuring out the proper relationship we are to have vis a vis…

Sukkot Oct 21, 2016

"Keep the harvest festival as the year changes" (Shemot 34:22). This (half) verse is the only reference to Sukkoth (or more precisely Chag…

Sukkot Oct 16, 2016

The Jewish year begins with the aseret yemei teshuva, the ten days of repentance. They begin with the strict justice of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Hadin; and…