Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our Biblical Methodology resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
This five-part series will take place on Tuesdays, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Eastern:
Part 1: Tuesday, January 12
Introduction to Ta'amei HaMikra: Origin, History and Function.
Part 2: Tuesday, January 19
Ta'amei HaMikra as Punctuation: How to…
7:45am (Shacharit at 8:30am)
Is the Torah in Order, and What Difference Does it Make?
D’var Torah:
ריח ניחוח : What Smells so Good?
Shiur after Kiddush (Approx 11:15am)
The Evolution of Mordechai and Esther
5:50 pm (Mincha at 6…
Torah in Motion is delighted to welcome Rabbi Yaakov Beasley as a scholar in residence at Or Chaim Yeshiva for Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar on May 11. Rabbi Beasley recently edited Yeshivat Har Etzion's groundbreaking series "Torah MiEtzion…
During shul this past week, I was reading the notes of the Hertz Chumash, as I often do. This likely puts me in small company as the Hertz Chumash has gone the way—pardon the expression—of the dodo bird. It so happens the shul at which I daven has a…