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Jewish ethos sees economic activity as part and parcel of a moral way of life bringing us closer to G-d. Government as a prime source of economic activity has an obligation to create a climate where honesty and integrity in our financial affairs is…
When asked what law is most important in the baking of matza, Rav Yisroel Salanter the 19th century founder of the Mussar (ethical refinement) movement, responded that the employees of matza factories be treated properly . While we often think of…
The mitzvah of tzedakah consist of both a private and public component. The public charity obligation is today operational only in the state of Israel (through taxation) and to some extent through the voluntary federation system. Understanding the…
May one shop at a cash only business?
“Innocent until proven guilty” is an idea rooted in Jewish ethos which teaches that all have a ‘presumption of honesty’. Yet at the same time our Sages teach us that most sin in the area of monetary acquisition…
May a local shul charge out of town guests a fee for high holiday “seats”?
Money and religion often makes for a volatile, albeit necessary mix. Jewish law requires that all members of the local community contribute to the building and maintenance of…
What are the ethical obligations when selling one’s home?
Jewish law rejects the notion of caveat emptor (buyer beware) and has placed an onus of
disclosure on the seller of merchandise. The seller of a home – or any other object for
that matter –…
May one invest in corporations whose activities may be ethically wanting?
Exemplary ethical conduct is mandated in all spheres of activity including, nay
especially, in our monetary dealings. Furthermore aiding and abetting unethical conduct