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Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel, zt”l, the first President of Yeshiva University and Rav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, the founder of Beit Midrash Govoha in Lakewood, died 22 years apart on the 2nd of Kislev.
Please join Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler on the Motzei…
The transition from elementary to high school was quite a jarring one. My school day was some two-and-a-half hours longer, added to that was another five hours of school on Sunday, not to mention that we started school—limudei kodesh only…
Hillel Rapp has identified a serious impediment to solving the tuition crisis—namely, the spiraling costs incurred by day schools. This, according to Rapp, is caused in large measure by the pressure to raise the costs ever…
Dr. Marc Shapiro, Dr. Leslie Klein, Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff, Dr. Leslie Klein and Dr. Marc Shapiro March 29-31.
Please join us for the many learning oppurtunites over Shabbat and Sunday.
At Clanton Park Synagogue
Shabbat morning derasha
Rav Kook As A…
7:45am (Shacharit at 8:30am)
Is the Torah in Order, and What Difference Does it Make?
D’var Torah:
ריח ניחוח : What Smells so Good?
Shiur after Kiddush (Approx 11:15am)
The Evolution of Mordechai and Esther
5:50 pm (Mincha at 6…
We are looking forward to seeing the Bat Mitvah program participants and their families and friends for a closing celebration of their Bat Mitzvah learning and preparation.
Please join us Shabbat April 29 as we welcome Dr Aaron Koller and Shira-Hecht Koller
At Or Chaim Minyan (159 Almore Ave.)
Shabbat morning parasha shiur 7:45 am
On the Role of the שעיר לעזאזל: Rambam vs. Ramban, and the Modern…