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As we move through the different stages of life, the challenges we face tend to change, with the concerns of yesteryear giving way to the crisis of today. What is true for individuals is also true in the corporate world, in forging communities, and…
We tend to view Adam as a failure at life, unable to obey his only command from G-d. Noach was better, yet many see him as one who could have accomplished so much more than what he did. Only with the advent of Avraham do we have the person capable…
For years, psychologists have debated the impact of the environment (nurture) on the development of human beings. Can we be inherently changed by exposure to our surroundings? Or does our environment act as a mechanism that helps reveal our…
"G-d said: I will obliterate humanity that I have created from the face of the earth; man, livestock, land animals and birds of the sky. I regret that I created them. But Noach found favour in G-d's eyes" (Breisheet 6:7-8). …
"And Lemech called him Noach saying, this one will bring us relief, yenachmeinu, from our work and the anguish of our hands, from the soil that G-d had cursed" (Breisheet 5:29 ). After ten generations of despair there was…