Live Programs
The Ultimate Sacrifice? A Text-Based Analysis of Akeidat Yitzchak

We are looking forward to learning with an outstanding Torah scholar this weekend. On Shabbat, September 8, Rabbi Dov Linzer will be at Or Chaim Yeshiva, 159 Almore Ave., where he will deliver the d'var Torah before laining and a shiur after Kiddush (approx 11:20 am). He will speak on the topic of: Science and Halakha: Sympathies and Strategies. At Seudah Shlesheet (Mincha at 7:05 pm), after a few introductory words, Rabbi Linzer will hold an “Ask the Rabbi" session. He is ready to discuss any and all topics facing Orthodoxy, and the broader Jewish world today. At 5:30 pm on Shabbat afternoon, Rabbi Linzer will speak at the the Mizrachi Bayit, 296 Wilson. The topic will be: Social Justice and Circles of Responsibility: Universalism vs. Particularism For those who don’t live in the area, there will be 2 opportunities to hear him speak on Motzei Shabbat. Rabbi Linzer will give a pre-Selichot talk at Zichron Yisroel Congregation of Associated Hebrew Schools, 300 Atkinson Ave., from 10:20 pm-11:05am. His topic will be: Prayer From the Siddur or Prayer From the Heart And from 11:35 pm-1:00 am, Rabbi Linzer and Dr. Elliott Malamet will discuss: The Ultimate Sacrifice? A Text-Based Analysis of Akeidat Yitzchak at Shaarei Shomayim Congregation 470 Glencairn Ave. Selichot at 1:10am Thank you to the Pakes and Zlochower family for their sponsorship. Rabbi Dov Linzer is the Rosh HaYeshiva and Dean of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. He studied for many years at Yeshivat Har Etzion, was a member of Yeshiva University’s Gruss Kollel Elyon, and received his ordination from the Israeli Rabbinate. He is a recipient of the Javits Graduate fellowship, and a doctoral candidate in Religion at Columbia University. Rabbi Linzer headed the Boca Raton Kollel for the first two-and-a-half years of its existence. He has published halakha and machshava articles in Torah journals and lectures widely at synagogues and conferences on topics relating to halakha, Orthodoxy, and modernity and gives a popular Daf Yomi Shiur at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale.

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Classes of The Ultimate Sacrifice? A Text-Based Analysis of Akeidat Yitzchak