Live Programs
Scholar in Residence: Sara Wolkenfeld

Sponsored by Sharon and Marty Goldberg in honour of the yahrzeit of Sharon's father, Haskell Zabitsky (Yechezkel ben Yerachmiel), obm.

Please join us for a weekend of learning with Sara Wolkenfeld, Director of Education at  

Friday Night Oneg Shabbat 
Beauty and the Bandit: A Talmudic Love Story

Shiur after Kiddush:
How Busy Is Too Busy? An Ancient Question for Modern Times

Seudah Shlisheet 
Life Without Limits: דברים שאין להן שיעור

Saturday night
From Sinai to Sefaria: Ancient Text and Modern Media

Further details to follow. 

Meet the speaker

Sara Wolkenfeld

Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld is the Director of Education at Sefaria, a new online database and interface for Jewish texts. She is passionate about Talmud education and expanding Jewish textual knowledge for all. Her previous experience includes serving as Director of Education at the Center for Jewish Life - Hillel at Princeton University as part of the OU’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus. She studied Talmud and Jewish Law at various institutions of Jewish learning in Israel and America including Midreshet

Sara Wolkenfeld bio & resources