e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Yosef and the Ten Plagues

This three-part series will take place on Mondays at 11:00am Eastern,  5:00pm in Israel on March 21, 6:00pm

March 28 and April 4 

March 21: Yosef's Final Dream

March 28: Serving the Feudal Lord

April 4: Plagues: Why Do I Care How Many?

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky

  Rabbi Avrum M. Kowalsky, a long-time resident of Baltimore, studied for over ten years at Yeshivas Ner Yisrael and attended the University of Maryland School of Law. He received semichah (Yoreh-Yoreh) from the Yeshiva and a Juris Doctor with Honors from the Law School. Avrum practiced law for over four decades, but throughout this period he also gave shiurim in various forums in Baltimore, including Congregation Shomrei Emunah, which he helped found. After moving with his wife Sharon to Jerusalem in

Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky bio & resources

Classes of e-TiM: Yosef and the Ten Plagues

Source Material