e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: The Prophet, the Priest, and the Public: An Examination of the Balance of Powers in the Age of Prophecy

Dr. Miriam Krupka offers a two-part overview of the millenium of prophetic dialogue: What was its purpose? How did prophets function in the greater political environment? What were the basic rules surrounding how they communicated? Sources will include a number of rich excerpts from Tanakh, as well as a close look at the Abarbanel, the Malbim, and Abraham Joshua Heschel's perspectives on prophecy, how and why prophecy failed (or did it?), as well as a deeper look into how Tanakh deals with communication and language in general. 

Tuesday, May 5   
8:30pm-9:30pm EST   

Tuesday, May 12
8:30pm-9:30pm EST      

Classes of e-TiM: The Prophet, the Priest, and the Public: An Examination of the Balance of Powers in the Age of Prophecy

Meet the speaker

Miriam Krupka

Ms. Miriam Krupka is Associate Dean at the Ramaz Upper School. Previously, Ms. Krupka chaired the Tanakh Department, shaping and building curriculum and identifying new and creative resources to help ensure that Torah learning at Ramaz continuously expanded in depth, sophistication, and richness. Ms. Krupka also teaches in the Jewish Law and Thought (JLT) Department and has taught interdisciplinary seminars and courses on Taharat haMishpacha and Jewish intimacy and family life. Ms. Krupka completed a Masters in Jewish Philosophy from Columbia University where her thesis

Miriam Krupka bio & resources