e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: The Prophet, the Priest, and the Public: An Examination of the Balance of Powers in the Age of Prophecy
Dr. Miriam Krupka offers a two-part overview of the millenium of prophetic dialogue: What was its purpose? How did prophets function in the greater political environment? What were the basic rules surrounding how they communicated? Sources will include a number of rich excerpts from Tanakh, as well as a close look at the Abarbanel, the Malbim, and Abraham Joshua Heschel's perspectives on prophecy, how and why prophecy failed (or did it?), as well as a deeper look into how Tanakh deals with communication and language in general.
Tuesday, May 5
8:30pm-9:30pm EST
Tuesday, May 12
8:30pm-9:30pm EST