e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Strangers, Widows, and Orphans: Laws of the Covenant Code

This series will take place on Wednesdays at 11:00am Eastern, 6:00pm in Israel, August 31 - September 21

We will study the laws pertaining to the treatment of strangers, widows and orphans in Parashat Mishpatim (Exodus 22 and 23) and in other relevant biblical texts through the eyes of the traditional commentators.

When appropriate, parallels with, and differences from, other ancient law codes (like Hammurabi and Eshnunna) will be discussed.

Program details


August 31, 2022 to September 21, 2022


Wednesdays 11:00 AM EDT


Society, Community

Classes of e-TiM: Strangers, Widows, and Orphans: Laws of the Covenant Code

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin is University Professor Emeritus at York University and lives in Jerusalem. He received his Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University and his rabbinic ordination in Israel while studying in Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav Kook. Among Lockshin’s publications is his four-volume translation and annotation of Rashbam’s commentary on the Torah.

Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin bio & resources