e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Great Shall Be The Honour of the Later House: The Glory and the Downfall of Second Temple Times

Great Shall Be The Honor of the Later House: The Glory and the Downfall of Second Temple Times
This four-part series will take place on Thursdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern:

 Herod the Great: Tyrant or Tycoon? A look at the incredible builder and divisive leader.
Part 1Thursday, January 7:    Masada and Caesaria
Part 2: Thursday, January 14:: Jerusalem and Herodion

Class 3: Thursday, January 21: The Dead Sea Scrolls, Archaeological Find of the Millenium

Class 4: Thursday, January 28: The Great Revolt in the North: Gamla, Yodfat and their connection to the fall of Jerusalem

Classes of e-TiM: Great Shall Be The Honour of the Later House: The Glory and the Downfall of Second Temple Times

Meet the speaker

Shulie Mishkin

Shulie Mishkin made Aliyah from New York with a Master's degree in Jewish History from Columbia University. After completing the Ministry of Tourism guide course in 1997, she began guiding professionally and has since taught and guided all ages, from toddlers to retirees. Her tours provide a complete picture of the land of Israel and Jewish heritage, with a strong reliance on sources ranging from the Bible to 19th century travelers' reports. Alongside her regular guide work, she teaches "tour and text" courses

Shulie Mishkin bio & resources